Colóquios e Seminários

9 de fevereiro de 2015

Seminário do Grupo de Polímeros: “Nonlinear imaging in turbid biological media”

Seminario-_logo_geralNonlinear microscopy (NLM) has emerged as a powerful technique for biological imaging in a label-free manner. Two-photon fluorescence imaging of neural activity, coherent Raman scattering imaging of lipid-rich assemblies, second-harmonic generation imaging of collagen structures and sensitive screening of pharmaceuticals, are just a few representative examples. Despite the tremendous impact of NLM, all of nonlinear imaging modalities can only image at shallow depths because deeper penetration imaging into biological specimens is hindered by scattering phenomena. In the first part of this presentation, and in order to present the current state-of-the-art nonlinear imaging capabilities, I will present a study of depolarization effects due to scattering on polarization-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering imaging of opaque spinal cords myelin sheaths. The results highlight how scattering can lead to erratic conclusions and also how shallow nonlinear imaging is currently possible on biological specimens. I will then present how we used wavefront shaping (WS) technique to image through strongly scattering media in order to enhance the (imaging) penetration depth. After an explanation of WS fundamentals, I will show how we successfully imaged nonlinear sources of second-harmonic photons after strongly scattering medium, at a sub-diffraction limited resolution. These results demonstrate that nonlinear imaging deep in biological specimens is no longer limited to shallow depths.


26 de janeiro de 2015

Seminário internacional do Grupo de Nanomedicina: “Multiplex electrochemical DNA platform”

Seminarios-_logo_genericoCurrent EU regulations on the mandatory labelling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with a minimum content of 0.9% would benefit from the availability of reliable and rapid methods to detect and quantify DNA sequences specific for GMOs. Different genosensors have been developed to this aim, mainly intended for GMOs screening. A remaining challenge, however, is the development of genosensing platforms for GMO quantification, which should be expressed as the number of event-specific DNA sequences per taxon-specific sequences. We report a simple and sensitive multiplexed electrochemical approach for the quantification of Roundup-Ready Soybean (RRS). Results indicate that the method could be applied for GMO quantification below the European labeling threshold level (0.9%), offering a general approach for the rapid quantification of specific GMO events in foods.

15 de dezembro de 2014

Colloquium diei: “Ultrafast process im many electron systems”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoAfter a general introduction to time-dependent density-functional theory, several recent applications of the theory will be presented: We study the laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization of solid Fe, Co and Ni; we investigate the dynamics of chemical bonds and address the question, how much time an electron needs to make a transition from one state to another; we study molecular junctions focussing on cases where, after turning on a bias, no steady state is achieved; and finally we combine time-dependent density functional theory with optimal control theory to find laser pulses specifically tailored to enhance a single peak in the harmonic spectrum of atoms.

10 de dezembro de 2014

Colloquium diei: “Topological Insulators: from Exotic Quantum States to Spintronics”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoThe surface electrons of 3D topological insulators are known to possess a helical Dirac spin texture [1] that can be exploited for studying exotic quantum states (such as condensed matter versions of Majorana fermions, axions and supersymmetry) to pragmatic spintronic devices for information technology. I will provide a perspective on this field, with examples of how we create novel phases of matter by interfacing a topological insulator with magnetism [2] and superconductivity [3]. I will also discuss the recent emergence of “topological spintronics,” demonstrating how the spin texture of a topological insulator leads to striking phenomena useful for devices, such as the generation of a spin-orbit torque of record efficiency at room temperature [4] .

1.M. Neupane, A. Richardella et al., Nature Communications 5, 3841 (2014)

2.S.-Y. Xu et al., Nature Physics 8, 616 (2012)

3.S.-Y. Xu et al., Nature Physics 10, 943 (2014)

4.A. Mellnik, J. S. Lee, A. Richardella et al., Nature 511, 449 (2014)


3 de dezembro de 2014

Journal Club: Topological Insulators and Quantum Spin Liquids

Topological states of matter is an umbrella term to designate phases of matter with JC-_loguinhovery different physical origin, such as the Quantum Hall Effect (QHE), the topological insulators (TI) and the quantum spin liquids (QSL). Because of the differences, it is at first glance hard to see any relation between these states, giving the appearance that the branch of topological condensed mater theory is completely fragmented. In spite of that some connections were recently found between the QHE, TIs and QSLs, opening new guidances to look for models that support topological phases. In this seminar, such connections will be introduced. The focus will be on a correspondence between a modified Kitaev honeycomb model and the Haldane model and on 3D strongly correlated systems in the strong spin-orbit regime. The first case inspired the generation of tight-binding models that supports either a QSL or a TI phase, establishing a method of generating certain types of desired states. In the second case, we review the research into systems that have a combination of the key elements for the generation of topologically non-trivial phases.

28 de novembro de 2014

Colloquium diei: “Relação dos jovens com o saber e com a escola na sociedade contemporânea”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoQue sentido tem para um jovem o fato de ir à escola, o fato de estudar (ou não estudar) na escola, o fato de aprender e compreender, quer na escola quer fora dela? De acordo com os alunos, o que é “uma aula interessante”? Na lógica dos alunos, quem é responsável do sucesso ou do fracasso escolar: o aluno ou o professor? Qual a diferença entre “aprender na escola” e “aprender na vida”? Por que, apesar da inegável desigualdade social frente à escola, encontram-se também nas famílias populares alunos bem-sucedidos e nas classes médias alunos fracassados?

Essas questões e mais algumas outras foram investigadas, na França, no Brasil e em alguns outros países, pelas pesquisas sobre a relação dos alunos com o saber e com a escola. Respaldada em pesquisas de campo desenvolvidas na França, no Brasil e em alguns outros países, a teoria da relação com o saber associa abordagens pedagógicos, psicanalíticos, sociológicos, antropológicos e didáticos.

27 de novembro de 2014

Seminário do Grupo de Óptica: “A Quantitative Study of In Vivo Protoporphyrin IX Fluorescence”

Seminrios_GO-loguinhoPhotodynamic therapy (PDT) relies on the interaction between light, oxygen and a photosensitive chemical: Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). Louise will talk about the current study being performed at Hospital Amaral Carvalho in Jahu city, where the build up of PpIX in different skin lesions is measured using the fluorescence signal produced by the drug. The research will help to gain more understanding of the kinetics and dynamics of the PDT treatment process as well as help to generate more accurate computer models. Initial results show that the PpIX builds up in the lesion linearly with time over the 3 hours of occlusive treatment.

24 de novembro de 2014

Colloquium diei: “Que fóton é esse?”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoA luz pode se apresentar em diversos estados quânticos. Mesmo que tomemos o estado mais simples possível, ou seja, de um único fóton, uma rica estrutura continua disponível. Por exemplo, este fóton pode possuir um “pacote de ondas” contendo a superposição de muitas frequências. A manipulação coerente do pacote, assim como a determinação precisa do estado quântico da luz são cruciais para o desenvolvimento de aplicações em comunicação e informação quântica. Veremos neste colóquio como realizar estas tarefas, iluminando noções à cerca do fóton.

21 de novembro de 2014

Journal club: “Impurity-induced bound states in superconductors with spin-orbit coupling”

JC-_loguinhoWe study the effect of strong spin-orbit coupling on bound states induced by impurities in superconductors. The presence of spin-orbit coupling breaks the SU(2)-spin symmetry and causes the superconducting order parameter to have generically both singlet (s-wave) and triplet (p-wave) components. As a result, impurity induced bound states corresponding to different angular momentum channels hybridize and display a number of qualitatively different features from that of the well-known Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in conventional s-wave superconductors. In particular, we find that in the presence of spin-orbit coupling the spectrum of the impurity induced bound states depends on the orientation of the magnetic moment of the impurity. Our predictions can be used to distinguish the symmetry of the order parameter and have implications for the Majorana proposals based on chains of magnetic atoms placed on the surface of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling [1].

[1] S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, J. Li, H. Chen, S. Jeon, J. Seo, A. H. MacDonald, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, Science (2014).

21 de novembro de 2014

Journal club: “Impurity-induced bound states in superconductors with spin-orbit coupling”

JC-_loguinhoWe study the effect of strong spin-orbit coupling on bound states induced by impurities in superconductors. The presence of spin-orbit coupling breaks the SU(2)-spin symmetry and causes the superconducting order parameter to have generically both singlet (s-wave) and triplet (p-wave) components. As a result, impurity induced bound states corresponding to different angular momentum channels hybridize and display a number of qualitatively different features from that of the well-known Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in conventional s-wave superconductors. In particular, we find that in the presence of spin-orbit coupling the spectrum of the impurity induced bound states depends on the orientation of the magnetic moment of the impurity. Our predictions can be used to distinguish the symmetry of the order parameter and have implications for the Majorana proposals based on chains of magnetic atoms placed on the surface of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling [1].

[1] S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, J. Li, H. Chen, S. Jeon, J. Seo, A. H. MacDonald, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, Science (2014).

21 de novembro de 2014

Journal club: “Impurity-induced bound states in superconductors with spin-orbit coupling”

JC-_loguinhoWe study the effect of strong spin-orbit coupling on bound states induced by impurities in superconductors. The presence of spin-orbit coupling breaks the SU(2)-spin symmetry and causes the superconducting order parameter to have generically both singlet (s-wave) and triplet (p-wave) components. As a result, impurity induced bound states corresponding to different angular momentum channels hybridize and display a number of qualitatively different features from that of the well-known Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in conventional s-wave superconductors. In particular, we find that in the presence of spin-orbit coupling the spectrum of the impurity induced bound states depends on the orientation of the magnetic moment of the impurity. Our predictions can be used to distinguish the symmetry of the order parameter and have implications for the Majorana proposals based on chains of magnetic atoms placed on the surface of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling [1].

[1] S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, J. Li, H. Chen, S. Jeon, J. Seo, A. H. MacDonald, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, Science (2014).

21 de novembro de 2014

Seminário do Grupo de Óptica: “Fenômenos fotoinduzidos em vidros calcogenetos”

Seminrios_GO-loguinhoOs vidros calcogenetos pertencem a um importante grupo de materiais inorgânicos que possuem um ou mais elementos calcogênios (S, Se ou Te) em sua composição, ligados covalentemente com formadores de rede tais como As, Ge, Sb, P. Esses materiais apresentam boa estabilidade térmica e química, alto índice de refração e transparência na região do infravermelho.

Uma das propriedades bastante estudada nos vidros nesses materiais vítreos é a fotossensibilidade, que apresenta uma variedade de fenômenos fotoinduzidos como fotoexpansão, fotocristalização, fotodissolução, etc. Estes fenômenos têm sido estudados extensivamente, levando a inúmeras aplicações como, por exemplo: mídia para armazenamento de informações ópticas, grades holográficas eficientes, microlentes, células solares, etc. A fotossensiblilidade nos vidros calcogenetos ocorre devido a tendência de mudança nas ligações químicas, quando exposto à luz com comprimento de onda próximo a borda de absorção. O mecanismo envolve a criação de pares de elétrons-buraco, que mudam a valência dos átomos vizinhos e suas ligações químicas, criando assim defeitos. Estes estados induzidos pela luz são fisicamente próximos uns dos outros, assim possibilitando a quebra e restauração de ligações ou mesmo a formação de novas ligações químicas, resultando assim em uma mudança macroscópica nas propriedades físicas do material, proporcionando uma ampla variedade de fenômenos fotoinduzidos.

18 de novembro de 2014

Café com física: “Molecular Imaging in Oncology”

Caf_com_fsica-loguinhoMolecular imaging is emerging as an incredibly powerful tool in oncology research. With unprecedented specificity to capture some of the key cancer hallmarks (e.g., proliferation), it can assess pharmacodynamic effects of various therapies on tumor response. A general overview of molecular imaging, its potential and limitations will be presented in the lecture. An example of a pharmacodynamic study using 3′-deoxy-3′[(18)F]-fluorothymidine, [(18)F]-FLT PET/CT in assessing response to anti-angiogenic therapies (VEGFR TKI) will be shown. Patient-specific modeling of tumor response to VEGFR TKI based on FLT PET/CT molecular imaging will be used to illustrate intimate connection between tumor modeling and molecular imaging-based clinical trials.

18 de novembro de 2014

Seminário do Grupo de Óptica: “Scaling in cold few-atom systems in different dimensions”

Seminrios_GO-loguinhoClose to s-wave Feshbach resonances two and few-atom systems can come near the continuum threshold, and three atoms in the state of zero angular momentum presents the Efimov or Thomas effect when the scattering length is large or the range of the s-wave interaction tends to zero. In this limit the binding energy and sizes of three-body systems in zero angular momentum states are dependent on a three-body single scale, showing universal and model independent correlations between these quantities. In two dimensions the relevant s-wave scales are the pair binding energy, which leads to model independent laws for the dependence of the three-body bound state energies on these quantities. The continuous transition between these different scaling behaviors in three-boson systems by continuously squeezing one dimension will be also discussed. The four-boson system in 3 dimensions in the limit of s-wave zero range forces exhibits a scaling behavior with a new single scale, which appears, in particular, in the position of the four-body resonant recombination. Range correction to this scaling law will be shown and results compared to the experimental data.

18 de novembro de 2014

Seminários do Laboratório de Química Medicinal e Computacional

Seminário 1

Seminario-_logo_geralTítulo: Development of selective trypanocidal compounds targeted against the glycolytic enzymes of the parasites

Data: 20 de novembro

Hora: 13h30

Local: IFSC área II (1º piso, sala 1)

Palestrante: Paul A. M. Michels (University of Edinburgh– Reino Unido)

Seminário 2

Título: Avaliação da atividade anti-Trypanosomatidae e potencial mecanismo de ação de compostos ciclopaladados

Data: 20 de novembro

Hora: 14h30

Local: IFSC área II (1º piso, sala 1)

Palestrante: Marcia Graminha (Unesp)


14 de novembro de 2014

Colloquium diei: “Sabores pesados: o futuro da física de partículas?”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoApós apresentar uma breve descrição do modelo padrão, Leandro discutirá os desafios que as medidas da primeira fase de operação do LHC, como a observação do bóson de Higgs, colocam para a Física de Partículas. Tendo em vista que parece pouco provável a observação direta de novas partículas em um futuro próximo, medidas de precisão, como as realizadas na Física de Sabores Pesados, se apresentam como a janela mais promissora para uma melhor compreensão das interações fundamentais. Será discutido como esta janela está sendo explorada dando destaque à contribuição de grupos brasileiros nesse setor.

11 de novembro de 2014

Seminário do Grupo de Óptica: “Química de Fotossensibilizadores Naturais”

Seminrios_GO-loguinhoKleber é químico pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras (FFCLRP-USP, 1998-2001) e doutor em Ciências na área de Química Orgânica Sintética pela mesma universidade (2006). Iniciou sua carreira como professor na Universidade Federal do ABC (2009-2010) e, desde junho de 2010, iniciou atividades na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), estabelecendo o grupo de Síntese de Compostos Heterocíclicos com Atividades Fotossensibilizadoras. Mais recentemente tem se dedicado à síntese de sistemas heterocíclicos do tipo Porfirinas, Clorinas, Ftalocianinas, dentre outros com potenciais atividades biológicas e fotossensibilizadoras.

11 de novembro de 2014

Journal club: “Impurity-induced bound states in superconductors with spin-orbit coupling”

JC-_loguinhoWe study the effect of strong spin-orbit coupling on bound states induced by impurities in superconductors. The presence of spin-orbit coupling breaks the SU(2)-spin symmetry and causes the superconducting order parameter to have generically both singlet (s-wave) and triplet (p-wave) components. As a result, impurity induced bound states corresponding to different angular momentum channels hybridize and display a number of qualitatively different features from that of the well-known Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in conventional s-wave superconductors. In particular, we find that in the presence of spin-orbit coupling the spectrum of the impurity induced bound states depends on the orientation of the magnetic moment of the impurity. Our predictions can be used to distinguish the symmetry of the order parameter and have implications for the Majorana proposals based on chains of magnetic atoms placed on the surface of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling [1].

[1] S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, J. Li, H. Chen, S. Jeon, J. Seo, A. H. MacDonald, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, Science (2014).

6 de novembro de 2014

Colloquium diei: “Levels of inquiry: Hierarchies of pedagogical practices and inquiry processes”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoLittle attention is given to how the processes of scientific inquiry should be taught. It is apparently assumed that once teacher candidates graduate from institutions of higher learning they understand how to conduct scientific inquiry and can effectively pass on appropriate knowledge and skills to their students. This is often not the case due to the nature of university-level instruction that is often didactic. Scientific inquiry processes, if formally addressed at all, are often treated as an amalgam of non-hierarchical activities. There is a critical need to synthesize a framework for more effective promotion of inquiry processes among students at all levels. The author presents a new hierarchy of teaching practices and Intellectual processes that can help science teachers, science teacher educators, and curriculum writers promote an increasingly more sophisticated understanding of scientific inquiry among students.

5 de novembro de 2014

Café com física: “Computational Simulations of Bacterial Outer Membranes”

Caf_com_fsica-loguinhoLipopolysaccharides (LPS) are the major constituent of bacterial outer membranes, acting as an effective permeability barrier against xenobiotic agents and the host cell defense system. LPS is also a potent activator of the mammalian immune system in amounts as little as fmol. Variable external conditions prompt structural and chemical modifications of the bacterial outer membrane, enhancing the organism ability to evade the host immune defence and colonize specific tissues. Changes in temperature and/or specific ion concentration have been shown to trigger lamellar to non-lamellar transitions in LPS membranes. We have previously developed and validated an atomistic model of the LPS membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has been used to investigate its structural dynamics, hydration and electrostatic properties. In this work, we have expanded our atomistic model to include novel LPS chemotypes expressed by P. aeruginosa during outer membrane remodeling. We have found that decrease in the LPS polysaccharide chain length occurs with increase in the diffusion coefficients for the Ca2+ counter-ions, increase in acyl chain packing (decrease in membrane fluidity), and decrease of the negative potential across the LPS surface. We have also investigated the effect of mono- and divalent cations on the stability of LPS and Lipid-A membranes. Our findings suggest that the stability of LPS membranes reflects a balance between effective membrane hydration, ionic valence and aptness to cross-link neighbouring molecules. These findings reproduce experimental trends while providing atom-level structural information on the rough LPS chemotypes that can help to rationalize antibiotic resistance and bacterial adhesion processes.

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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