
27 de maio de 2022

Short Course on: Development of platforms to study transmembrane proteins – towards medical, agricultural and biotechnological benefits


Prof. Paul W. Denny. (Durham Univ. UK);

Prof. Dr. Ariel M. Silber. (ICB-USP);

Prof. Dr. Otavio H. Thiemann (IFSC-USP);

Prof. Dr. Artur T. Cordeiro (LNBio-CNPEN);

Prof. Dr. Rafael V. C. Guido (IFSC-USP);

Prof. Dr. André L. B. Ambrósio (IFSC-USP);

Profa. Dra. Flavia Zimbres  (Durham Univ. UK);

Prof. Dr. Brian A. S. Mantilla (Durham Univ. UK);

Prof. Dr. Ehmke Pohl (Durham Univ. UK);

Profa. Dra. Gabriela Burle (FIOCRUZ-UFMG);

The main topics to be covered in this course are:

Introduction to the cell-free expression system;

Trans-membrane proteins as drug targets: the challenges and opportunities;

Methods in medicinal chemistry for drug discovery;

Introduction to structural biology and medicinal chemistry tools;

Structural biology of transmembrane proteins;

Energy Management and Cell Signalling in Leishmania: an overview from Polyphosphorylated Metabolites;

Analysis of metabolite membrane transporters activity;

Introduction into computational (on-line) resources – chances and pitfalls;

Applications of cell-free expression system;

May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27
8:00h – 10:00h Reception Lab. activity Lab. activity  

Visit to LNLS

Lab. activity
10:00h-12:00h Class Class Class Class
14:00h-16:00h Lab. activity Lab. activity Lab. activity Lab. activity
16:00h-18:00h Class Class Class Final discussion


The course will be offered by our Post-Graduate  Program as “SFI5895 Seminários de Pós-Graduação’’ and registered students can get 2 credits for it.


Interested should be developing its MsC and PhD program;

Applications Dedline April 29th, 2022;

Send a short CV and a 01 page letter describing the importance of the course to your pos-graduate work and/or future carrer to:

Otavio Thiemann and Ariel Silber (thiemann@ifsc.usp.br & ariel.silber@gmail.com)

Lectures will be in the “Laboratório de Biologia, LEF, IFSC/USP’’;

Fale conosco
Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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