In non polarized fermionic systems, superfluidity is described by BCS theory and external magnetic fields as well as polarization induced by spin-imbalanced populations are expected to destroy the BCS-pairing mechanism, forcing the system into a polarized normal phase. It is expected, however, that for a regime of small polarizations the superfluidity still survives against the normal regime, the so-called Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state. This exotic coexistence of superfluidity and magnetism is one of the several interesting phenomena which have been investigated theoretical and experimentally since decades. From the experimental point of view, despite the fact that state-of-the-art experiments with cold atoms and with organic superconductors have been addressed this matter, there have been no unequivocal observations of FFLO superconductivity up to now. From the theoretical point of view, thanks to powerful tools for describing complex many-body systems (Monte Carlo, DMFT, DMRG, DFT, etc), several features of the FFLO state have been revealed. In contrast though, little is known about the nature of the transition from the FFLO-state to the normal phase and the critical point at which the transition occurs is also on debate. In this talk I will present the basic concepts behind the FFLO superfluidity and discuss preliminary theoretical results where metric spaces are used as a probe for the FFLO to the normal phase transition.