
14 de outubro de 2014

Workshop “Meet the Editors” no IFSC-USP

Realiza-se nos próximos dias 20 e 21 de outubro, no Auditório Prof. Sérgio Mascarenhas (IFSC-USP), a 4a edição do Workshop Meet the Editors, um evento que terá a participação das Dra. Julie Kim Zajonz (Editor, Physical Review Applied), Sra. Karie Friedman (Former Assistant Editor of Reviews of Modern Physics – RMP), e Sra. Celia M. Elliott (Director Ext. Affairs, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).

A Sra. Elliott tem ampla experiência em escrita científica (artigos e projetos de pesquisa) e ministra regularmente cursos de escrita científica não apenas na Universidade de Illinois, como também em várias outras universidades e laboratórios/institutos de pesquisa americanos e de outros países. Quanto à Sra. Friedman, tem 20 anos de experiência, editando artigos científicos no prestigioso RMP e tem atuado como in-house Editor no IFSC-USP em várias ocasiões. A Dra. Zajonz é Editora-Chefe do recentemente criado APS Journal Physical Review Applied, tendo igualmente ocupado, durante muitos anos, lugar de chefia no Physical Review B – Rapid Communications.

Este é um evento bastante importante para um público-alvo específico, constituído por estudantes de pós-graduação e jovens pesquisadores/professores, bem como para todos quantos estejam interessados em melhorar sua escrita científica, interagindo com os editores convidados. Uma breve biografia e detalhes sobre as atividades destas palestrantes poderão ser obtidos na página do evento.

O programa completo do evento estará em breve disponível no site do workshop, um evento que contará, igualmente, com minicursos sobre escrita cientifica (Elliott and Friedman) e palestras sobre o processo editorial de forma geral.

Este workshop é inteiramente gratuito, não havendo possibilidade de auxílio financeiro para participação no evento.

Os interessados em participar do workshop deverão efetuar o seu registro no site do evento.

Abordagem aos temas constantes do workshop:

Brazilian English: An Unscientific Survey, Parts I and II (Karie Friedman)

Are there particular problems in English to which native speakers of Portuguese are prone? To answer this question, I examine a set of 16 recent articles published in Phys. Rev. B and Phys. Rev. Letters by authors at institutions in Brazil. Although the sample is small, 11 problem areas emerge with significant frequency. In Part I, I treat the first five, and in Part II the remainder, suggesting ways to address these challenges when writing a scientific paper in English. Problem sets will give participants a chance to work on some of the challenges identified in the survey and to discuss their solutions afterwards.

A Technical Writer’s Advice for Science Authors (minicurso — várias aulas: 5) (Celia M. Elliott)

Being able to communicate effectively, in both oral and written form, is essential to your career success. Learning to write well will not only make you a more successful scientist, it will also make you a better scientist. In the workshop, Celia will share some basic technical-writing techniques that you can use immediately to make your talks and papers more clear, concise, and compelling.

Physical Review Applied: The newest addition to the Physical Review family of journals (Dr. Julie Kim Zajonz)

Physical Review Applied, the newest member of the Physical Review family of journals, starting accepting submissions in December 2013, and its first issue was published in February 2014. PRApplied is the first subscription-based journal started by the APS since the 1950’s and was created to respond to the needs of the physics community. Its aim is to publish the highest-quality papers at the intersection of physics and engineering, among other disciplines. In this talk I will present an overview of the Physical Review family of journals, with a focus on this newest addition. I will spend some time on where we are after publishing our eighth issue, and what makes for a successful submission.

Tutorial for authors and referees: Illuminating the review process (Dr. Julie Kim Zajonz)

After the hard work of gathering and analyzing data, the next step is to get your results published, and you decide to send your paper to one of the Physical Review journals. In this talk, we will explore the inner workings of the publication process, from the perspectives of an author and of a referee. I will explain what you should keep in mind when preparing a manuscript, and what to expect during the refereeing process. If you are called upon to be a referee, how can you best facilitate the process? What do we, the editors, want to help us make an informed decision?

Para obter mais informações e proceder à inscrição, clique AQUI.

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