
16 de junho de 2016

Journal club: “Magnetic moments and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quasicrystals”

JC-_loguinhoMotivated by the intrinsic non-Fermi-liquid behavior observed in  the heavy-fermion quasicrystal Au51Al34Yb15, we study the low-temperature behavior of dilute magnetic impurities placed in  metallic quasicrystals. We find that a large fraction of the magnetic moments are not quenched down to very low temperatures,  leading to a power-law distribution of Kondo temperatures, accompanied by a non-Fermi-liquid behavior, in a  remarkable similarity to the Kondo-disorder scenario found in disordered heavy-fermion metals.

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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