
18 de setembro de 2013

Docente do IFSC apresentou colóquio

Na tarde de ontem, 18, o docente do Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC/USP), José Carlos Egues de Menezes, ministrou o colóquio “Over the edge: twisting spins and splitting electrons in a half”, às 16 horas, na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar).

O evento, inserido no Colóquios do Departamento de Física da UFSCar, realizou-se na sala “Andre Swieca”. Abaixo, segue o resumo em inglês:

In recent years, we have witnessed a number of important and exciting new developments in condensed matter physics: the rise of grapheme (Nobel 2010), the discovery of Topological Insulators (Buckley prize 2012) and the emergence of Majorana physics in electron systems such as quantum wells and superconducting nanowires.

In this talk, I will briefly describe the spin-orbit interaction in nanostructures and its importance to these novel systems. I will, then, overview the above new topics and present some of our own related works.

I will also touch upon the exciting possibilities arising in cold atoms trapped in optical lattices as a means of simulating condensed matter systems and in particular the relevant spin-orbit interactions (Rashba and Dresselhaus).

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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