Colóquios e Seminários

17 de março de 2023

Minicurso (Finite Temperature Models of Bose-Einstein Condensation) e Seminário com Prof. Nikolaos Proukakis

O Grupo de Óptica do Instituto de Fisica de São Carlos (IFSC/USP) realiza nos próximos dias 15, 16 e 17 deste mês de março, em sua sala de seminários (Sala-59), um minicurso, seguido de seminário, com o Prof. Nikolaos Proukakis – School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics – Newcastle University (Newcastle, United Kingdom) VER AQUI.

O curso será restrito aos alunos de pós-graduação, e que de preferência já tenham cursado a disciplina de Física Atômica e Molecular.

A programação deste evento está organizada da seguinte forma:

Quarta-feira (15/03)

10:00 – First tutorial Session

Title: Introduction to T>0 Effects, Key Physical Observables for Characterization, Equilibrium Models and Phenomenological Damping.

Quinta-feira (16/03)

10:00 – Second tutorial Session:

Title: Dynamical Modelling within an extended Kinetic Theory: The ZNG Method.

15:00 – Third tutorial Session

Title: Dynamical Modelling for low-dimensional / fluctuating systems: Classical Field Modelling and The Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii Equation.

Sexta-feira (17/03)

14:00 – Optics Group Seminars

Seminar Title: “Quenched Condensation Growth Dynamics: Kibble-Zurek universality and phase-ordering dynamics in an inhomogeneous atomic gas”


The question of condensate formation in an ultracold atomic gas is a key underlying question of quantum many-body physics. During the cooling/growth process, the system dynamically breaks its symmetry through the critical transition region and subsequently grows dynamically to the final equilibrium state prescribed by system geometry, dimensionality, atom number and temperature. In this talk I will discuss the key steps in such a process, with particular emphasis paid on two distinct processes: (i) the process of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which for systems undergoing continuous external cooling is known to obey a well-known universal scaling law known as Kibble-Zurek; (ii) the subsequent process of equilibration, through coarsening dynamics and phase-ordering kinetics, starting from a highly-non-equilibrium state exhibiting vortex-tangled (strong) turbulence.

Particular reference will be made to relevant ultracold atomic gas quench experiments, most notably in the context of the elongated three-dimensional experiment of Trento.

Fale conosco
Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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