Colóquios e Seminários

18 de novembro de 2016

High-Energy Physics Seminars: “Hydrodynamics with polarization”

High_energy_physics_seminars-_loguinhoUsing the Lagrangian hydrodynamic approach [1] we derive the ideal hydrodynamic limit of a fluid with a net polarization of the microscopic degrees of freedom. We discuss the relevance of this dynamics in the light of the experimental study of Hadron (Lambda and vector meson) polarization and other spin-dependent observables in heavy ion collisions, and conclude that our approach is the first term in an effective theory expansion appropriate to study these phenomena quantitatively.

[1] D.Montenegro, G.Torrieri, PRD, in press, arXiv:1604.05291

Hydrodynamics with polarization

18 de novembro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “De anatomia à função, de diagnose a terapias:imagens (moleculares)em farmacologia”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoO desenvolvimento de um novo fármaco é um processo longo e pleno de desafios. Quanto mais informações se dispõem sobre o(s) mecanismo(s) de uma doença, maior é a probabilidade de encontrar uma terapia apropriada. Por outro lado, quanto melhor e mais cedo uma enfermidade puder ser diagnosticada, maiores são as chances de poder interferir no processo patológico com uma entidade química ou biológica. Esta premissa estabelece a base para o uso de técnicas de imagens no campo da farmacologia. A relevância dessas técnicas para a obtenção e quantificação de informação anatômica, funcional, metabólica ou molecular no contexto da pesquisa farmacológica in vivo será discutida e ilustrada através de exemplos oriundos de diferentes especialidades, da neurologia à oncologia.

18 de novembro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “Caracterização e síntese química dos componentes das cápsulas de fosfoetanolamina

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoO então Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI) convocou, em novembro de 2015, o Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Fármacos e Medicamentos (INCT-INOFAR), coordenado pelo professor Eliezer Barreiro, da UFRJ, para participar das etapas de caracterização e síntese química da substância fosfoetanolamina sintética, que ficou popularmente conhecida como “pílula do câncer”. As etapas de caracterização completa dos componentes das cápsulas de fosfoetanolamina sintética fornecidas originariamente pelo IQSC [Instituto de Química de São Carlos, ligado à USP], assim como a síntese química de cada componente isolado, foram realizadas no Laboratório de Química Orgânica Sintética (LQOS) do Instituto de Química (IQ) da Unicamp, coordenado pelo professor Luiz Carlos Dias, membro do Comitê Gestor do INCT-INOFAR. Os resultados destas etapas serão apresentadas neste colóquio.

11 de novembro de 2016

IFSC OSA Student Chapter: “Professor Eric Van Stryland seminars”

Seminarios-_logo_genericoWe from IFSC OSA Student Chapter have the honour to receive Prof. Eric Van Stryland as part of the Travelling Lecturer program of the Optical Society. Prof. Stryland will give two seminars, a brief one about the history of The Optical Society and other pointing out fundamental aspects of his cutting-edge research. You are welcome to attend both seminars that will be held at Sala F-210 (Administration building) at 2 p.m of November 11th. Take a look below for further information about Prof. Stryland and the seminars.

History of The Optical Society (OSA)

I’ll give a brief introduction of how OSA began in 1916 and how it has turned into an international professional home for nearly 20,000 scientists and engineers. Its offerings are highly respected international refereed journals along with international conferences on optics and photonics. However, it is also a professional network for students and professionals to interact, develop careers in optics and photonics, and much more. It is my professional home and should become yours.

Nonlinear spectroscopy: absorption and refraction

At high optical irradiance of short pulse lasers, the absorption and refraction of materials changes temporarily. We have been developing nonlinear spectroscopic tools for measuring these changes of nonlinear absorption (NLA) and nonlinear refraction (NLR). The tools include Z-scan that separately yields the sign and magnitude of both NLA and NLR, pump-probe for the dynamics of NLA, and our newly developed Beam-Deflection technique that gives the dynamics of NLR. This last technique is so sensitive that it can measure the nonlinear refraction of air (λ/20,000 induced phase change). I will also discuss the interesting and intuitive relations between NLR and NLA determined by causality (nonlinear Kramers-Kronig relations). This leads to a discussion of nondegenerate nonlinearities, e.g. 2-photon absorption (2PA) with two different energy photons. We find orders of magnitude enhancement of 2PA for photon energy rations of ~10. We then utilize these nonlinearities for devices including gated IR detection with uncooled wide-gap semiconductors for 3D LIDAR and the possibility of a 2-photon laser.


11 de novembro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “Dusty Starbursts in the Distant Universe”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoMost of the active star formation in our local universe takes place in what we call “normal” spirals: disk galaxies with the bulk of their emission at ultraviolet and optical wavebands. Extremely dusty galaxies, with an enhanced emission at infrared wavelengths are pretty much extremely rare “freaks” in today’s universe. However, these so-called ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) dominate the co-moving energy density at higher redshifts (z>2). Many of these have been identified by the detection of their thermal dust emission at millimeter (mm) and sub-mm wavelengths. Detailed ground-based follow-up of these sub-mm galaxies (SMGs) in the optical/near-IR and radio, as well as space-based studies with Chandra, HST, Spitzer and Herschel telescopes have revealed intricate morphologies reminiscent of major galaxy mergers, and the predominance of active galactic nuclei (AGN), establishing that star formation and the growth of super-massive black hole growth coexist in these objects. With colossal IR luminosities that translate into unusually high SFRs (~100-1000 MSun /yr), SMGs are extreme starbursting galaxies that could build the stellar bulk of a massive galaxy in under a few hundred million years. These findings suggest that the submm phase may represent a dust-obscured pre-quasar period in the evolutionary scenario that leads to the formation of today’s massive ellipticals. I will provide a review on the subject of dusty galaxies in the distant universe and discuss their role within the formation scenario of massive passive galaxies. I will also share some of my ongoing work to study the environments of these systems, as tracers of protoclusters in the distant universe.

8 de novembro de 2016

“Measurement of leptonic cosmic rays with AMS-02, interpretation in terms of dark matter and pulsar”

High_energy_physics_seminars-_loguinhoOver the last two decades, there has been a strong interest in the cosmic ray positron fraction which exhibit an excess of high energy positrons whose origin is still highly uncertain. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a general purpose high-energy particle physics detector operational on the International Space Station since May 2011. During its unique long duration mission AMS-02 is collecting large amount of data to study the behaviour of cosmic ray electrons and positrons with unprecedented precision. The latest measurements of positron fraction, positron flux and electron flux with AMS-02 will benpresented. The interpretation of the positron excess in terms of pulsar or dark matter will be presented in this talk.

24 de outubro de 2016

Filosofísica: “Os ‘raios N’ de René Blondlot: uma anomalia (na história) da ciência”

O físico francês René Prospet Blondlot (1849-1930) fez grandes trabalhos. Seus estudos para medir a velocidade de ondas hertzianas (eletromagnéticas) são bastante originais, obtendo o valor de 298.000 Km/s experimentalmente. René Blondlot ganhou vários prêmios da Academia de Ciência de Paris.

No começo do século XX o nosso personagem Filosofisica_-_Logorincipal começa a estudar as características dos raios X, recém-descobertos, e em 1903 divulga seus achados sobre uma nova radiação, os “raios N”. Essa descoberta fez sucesso, uma nova área da física nasceu, houve trabalhos aplicando os raios N ao estudo do sistema nervoso. Em 1905 a maioria dos físicos, incluindo revistas científicas, concluiu que essa radiação não existia.

Os argumentos contrários à existência dessa radiação se baseavam na suposição de que René e outros viam o que queriam ver, por autossugestão. O que é esquecido é que Blondlot respondeu a essas críticas seriamente, com evidências fotográficas. Mesmo assim o assunto morreu. Essa apresentação tem por objetivo adentrar essa rica história e analisar os argumentos e evidências da época. Há ainda muitos mistérios sobre esse estranho episódio.

20 de outubro de 2016

High-Energy Physics: “Scattering Amplitudes: from theoretical considerations to LHC applications”

The Feynman rules appear as a simple way to calculate High_energy_physics_seminars-_loguinhoscattering amplitudes, however some complications appear if the multiplicity of particles is large. For example, in the 2 to 2 scattering of gluons there are only 4 Feynman diagrams but if we add two extra gluons it grows to 220 diagrams. In the 80’s Stephen Parke and Tomasz Taylor found an incredible way to simplify the calculation of some classes of n-gluons scattering amplitudes based on helicity arguments. Since then, a lot of progress has been made on improving the amplitude techniques and on the understanding of the S-matrix physics. After a review of the spinor helicity formalism and some well known results based on it, I will discuss how we can use the helicity structure of scattering amplitudes in the SM and in the context of an effective Lagrangian description of BSM dynamics. The analysis reveals a novel set of helicity selection rules according to which, in the majority of 2 to 2 scattering processes at high energy, the SM and the leading BSM effects do not interfere. This have a big impact on how we should perform the EFT analysis and where we should search for new physics.


19 de outubro de 2016

Seminários do Grupo de Óptica: “Optical spectroscopy and microscopy studies of biological objects”

Seminrios_GO-loguinhoSpectroscopic and microscopic techniques allow analysis of various aspects of biological systems on molecular level. One of the common problems of such studies is overlapping of absorption or fluorescence spectra of biological molecules of interest. Several examples of how to separate them are shown for in vitro and in vivo systems. These examples include analysis of competitive binding of two molecules (anticancer drugs, mutagens and biologically active substances) to nucleic acids via absorption spectroscopy, separation of fluorescence spectra of Photosystems via time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy and analysis of Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between voltage-sensitive fluorescence proteins. As a result constants of binding of anticancer drugs and mutagens to nucleic acids are determined for molecules that absorb light in the same region with nucleic acids. Also composition and ratio of Photosystems is determined in leaves, which opens room for non-invasive “express” analysis of these parameters in plants, allowing determination of optimal growing conditions and presence of diseases. FRET studies of voltage sensitive fluorescent protein help to figure out the mechanism of its action and improve its functionality. In general, it is shown that number of different approaches can be used to analyze overlapping absorption and fluorescence spectra of biological molecules on different levels of organization in vitro and in vivo.

14 de outubro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “Metric Space Approach to Quantum Mechanics”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoQuantum states, their properties and dynamics are central to the understanding of the quantum world. They have received even more attention due to the raise of quantum technologies, which exploit the ‘quirks’ of quantum mechanics. Quantum states form Hilbert spaces, which combine the properties of two different types of mathematical spaces: vector space and metric space. While the vector-space aspects are widely used, the metric-space aspects are much less exploited. Here we show that conservation laws in quantum mechanics naturally lead to metric spaces for the set of related physical quantities. All such metric spaces have an “onion-shell” geometry. We will discuss these induced ‘natural’ metrics for some of the quantities fundamental to the understanding of quantum systems, as well as some applications of the metric space approach to quantum mechanics, including applications to further the understanding of the core concepts of Density Functional Theory.

A palestrante estará no auditório a partir das 10 horas para conversa informal com os alunos

13 de outubro de 2016

High-Energy Physics Seminars: “Vertex Functions and Bound States in Strongly Interacting Theories”

High_energy_physics_seminars-_loguinhoProtons and neutrons, the particles which make up the nuclei of atoms, are comprised of tiny constituents called quarks. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is a field theory which describes the so-called strong “colour” force, mediated by gluons, which binds the quarks together and is responsible for formation of nucleons and other objects, collectively known as hadrons. While there is ample experimental evidence that this theory is correct, there are certain phenomena related to hadrons which are not yet fully understood within the QCD framework. We attempt to elucidate some of these issues by studying QCD and similar models by means of the Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter (DS/BS) functional formalism. This approach allows one to work with the basic degrees of freedom of QCD, the quarks and gluons (which are not directly detectable in experiments, being eternally bound within hadrons), while at the same time giving access to physical observables like hadron masses and decay constants. We briefly discuss the main ideas behind the DS/BS framework, and give examples of its applications through an investigation of one of the fundamental interaction vertices in QCD, as well as a calculation of light hadron masses in a model similar to chromodynamics. Our findings help in building towards a better understanding of not just QCD but strongly-interacting theories in general, which is important since some of these templates play an important role in other areas of high-energy particle physics.

11 de outubro de 2016

Seminário: “Recent advances in polymers from renewable resources”

 Seminario-_logo_geralResearch and development related to polymers from renewable resources have witnessed a spectacular development from the beginning of this millennium, with a progressively deeper and wider involvement of both academia and industry. This lecture aims at providing a succinct “state of the art” of this exciting field through a number of examples of recent advances, including contributions from my research groups. Two main approaches are discussed, namely: The chemical modification of natural polymers. This topic covers the synthesis and characterization of novel materials and composites arising from the surface, in-depth and bulk transformation of celulose fibers, including nanofibers, chitosan, starch, lignin and natural rubber. The synthesis and polymerization of monomers derived from renewable resources. The variety of such monomers and macromonomers has already reached a remarkably wide spectrum and is increasing incessantly. The examples provided in this context deal with small molecules derived from sugars and polysaccharides, lignin, and larger structures derived from vegetable oils. Particular emphasis is placed on furan monomers and furan chemistry, which provide a new class of polymer chemistry, including the application of structure-specific mechanisms like the Diels-Alder click reaction. Additionally, the peculiar properties of some of these new macromolecular materials, such as poly(lactic acid), other polyesters, polyamides and polyurethanes, are highlighted to show, among other features, their unique applications, e.g. recyclability and self-mendability.

Interessados em participar do seminário devem realizar inscrição por formulário on-line para previsão de público e envio de certificado de participação

7 de outubro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “Searching for new Physics in the cosmic ray fluxes”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoThe Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a particle physics experiment accurately measuring cosmic ray fluxes, in the range 1 GV to 2 TV.

AMS has been installed on the International Space Station on May 19 2011,  and since then is continuously collecting new data. The precise measurement of the main and of the rare components of the cosmic ray flux,  opens a new window into the high energy processes happening in our galaxy.

These measurements allow to better understand the origin, the acceleration and the propagation of the cosmic rays in our galaxy. This improved knowledge,  will  allow to recognise potential anomalies in the cosmic rays rare components and possibly link them to new Physics happening in our galaxy. . I will present the most recent AMS measurement and I will discuss their implications and possible future outcomes. I will conclude discussing additional measurements on ground that may concur in defining a better picture about AMS observed anomalies.

A partir das 10h, o palestrante já estará no auditório, disponível para conversa informal com os participantes

30 de setembro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “Self-Interacting Dark Matter and CDM Small Scale Potential Problems”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoIn this seminar I will briefly summarize the evidences for the existence of dark matter. Potential problems that Cold Dark Matter models might face at small scales will then be introduced. These problems might be alleviated if dark matter self interacts. If this is the case, its capture rate by astrophysical objects should be enhanced, and as a consequence their annihilation rate should increase. In this talk I will describe the determination of the neutrino flux from dark matter annihilation, taking self interactions into consideration. Its detection rate at the IceCube detector will also be described. This analysis probes dark matter self interacting models. By comparing this estimated rate with IceCube’s experimental results, we constrain a significant fraction of these models.

27 de setembro de 2016

High-Energy Physics Seminars: “Scattering Amplitudes”

High_energy_physics_seminars-_loguinhoThe Feynman rules appear as a simple way to calculate scattering amplitudes, however some complications appear if the multiplicity of particles is large. For example, in the 2 to 2 scattering of gluons there are only 4 Feynman diagrams but if we add two extra gluons it grows to 220 diagrams. In the 80’s Stephen Parke and Tomasz Taylor found an incredible way to simplify the calculation of some classes of n-gluons scattering amplitudes based on helicity arguments. Since then, a lot of progress has been made on improving the amplitude techniques and on the understanding of the S-matrix physics. After a review of the spinor helicity formalism and some well known results based on it, I will discuss how we can use the helicity structure of scattering amplitudes in the SM and in the context of an effective Lagrangian description of BSM dynamics. The analysis reveals a novel set of helicity selection rules according to which, in the majority of 2 to 2 scattering processes at high energy, the SM and the leading BSM effects do not interfere. This have a big impact on how we should perform the EFT analysis and where we should search for new physics.

22 de setembro de 2016

Colloquium diei: “Modelos estatísticos elementares para transições de fase em fluidos anisotrópicos”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoUtilizamos modelos estatísticos elementares para investigar aspectos qualitativos das transições de fase em sistemas de interesse na “física da matéria mole”. Ao contrário dos sólidos cristalinos, que se caracterizam por ordenamentos espaciais, os cristais líquidos nemáticos, substâncias típicas da matéria mole, são fluidos anisotrópicos que apresentam ordenamento orientacional, ao longo de um eixo, mas sem simetria de translação. Vamos introduzir o modelo de Maier-Saupe-Zwanzig (MSZ), que é capaz de explicar a transição de primeira ordem entre as fases nemática uniaxial e isotrópica de um cristal líquido. Além dos nemáticos uniaxiais, também têm sido detectados nemáticos com estruturas biaxiais. Consideramos então um modelo MSZ com desordem, que representa uma mistura de discos e cilindros, e analisamos as condições de estabilidade de uma fase nemática biaxial, apontando as diferenças entre desordem fixa, típica dos sistemas sólidos, e desordem móvel, que seria mais realista para sistemas fluidos.Também consideramos generalizações de modelos do tipo MSZ, estabelecendo contato com resultados experimentais e fenomenológicos, em particular com as propriedades de novos materiais denominados elastômeros.

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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