
1 de outubro de 2018

Workshop “Meet the Editors – Scientific Writing” visita IFUSP – São Paulo

Realiza-se nos dias 01 e 02 de outubro, no Anfiteatro Adma Jafet, a sexta edição do workshop Meet the Editors – Scientific Writing, um evento que tradicionalmente ocorre no IFSC/USP (São Carlos) e que pela primeira vez será realizado no IFUSP (Campus da Capital).

Neste workshop, cujo idioma oficial será o Inglês, participarão os seguintes palestrantes, que abordarão os temas:

Laura Greene (Former APS President 2017/2018 / University of Florida – USA);
Lecture 1: Publishing in Peer Reviewed Journals;
Lecture 2: Negotiation Skills and Career Building: Making the Most of Your Talents;

S. Lance Cooper (Associate Head for Graduate Programs, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign – USA);
Lecture 1: Organizing and Writing an Accessible Scientific Paper;
Lecture 2: How to Read and Respond to Referee Reports;

Priya Satalkar (Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel – Switzerland);
Lecture 1: Authorship assignment: what makes it so challenging?
Lecture 2: Does my silence make me guilty of scientific misconduct? Researchers’ views on raising concerns.

Laurens Molenkamp (University of Würzburg – Germany – Editor of Physical Review B);
Lecture: Physical Review B and its offspring;

Julie Kim-Zajonz (Editor of Physical Review Applied);
Lecture: Physical Review Applied: A relatively new journal finding its place in a family of journals celebrating 125 years of research publication;

Henrik Rudolph (Editor of Applied Surface Science);
Lecture 1: Ethics in publishing (in principle for all levels of scientists);
Lecture 2: Bibliometrics;

Tutorial for authors & referees

Editors of Physical Review Applied (Dr. Julie Kim-Zajonz) and Physical Review B (Dr. Laurens Molenkamp) will provide useful information and tips for referees and authors. The information presented will be relevant to anyone who is looking to submit or review manuscripts for any of the APS journals, or to anyone who would like to add to their knowledge and experience of the authoring and refereeing processes.


This panel will address relevant topics such as authorship, ethics in publishing, role of Editors, visibility, plagiarism, duplicate publications and related issues. All invited speakers will participate in this roundtable.

Os interessados em participar neste workshop deverão se inscrever no site do evento (para planejamento de “coffee breaks”, etc).

Haverá apoio aos estudantes de pós-graduação do IFSC inscritos, i.e., transporte SC/São Paulo/SC e (possivelmente) hospedagem em hotel.

Para obter mais informações sobre este workshop e/ou se inscrever, clique AQUI.

Assessoria de Comunicação – IFSC/USP

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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