
2 de agosto de 2016

Seminário do Grupo de Óptica: “More accurate sample analysis by combined libs and Raman spectroscopy

Seminrios_GO-loguinhoRaman spectroscopy and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) are both laser spectroscopic techniques able to investigate a wide range of material with no preliminary sample preparation. Raman is a molecular and structural technique thus provide identification of a sample based on these two characteristics. On the other hand, LIBS is an elemental method therefore demonstrates main elements and impurities.  Both techniques are fast, in situ and have flexible experimental setups. These unique features lead to applications of these techniques in diverse fields such as medical applications, military, space exploration, solid state, chemical reactions, characterization of thin solid films and the control of industrial processes. Here, after introducing LIBS and Raman spectroscopy, some applications such as potential of LIBS for disease diagnosis, analyzing cement powder and toxic metals, applications of Raman in cancer diagnosis and fake medicine discrimination will be shown. At the end, a setup for measuring LIBS and Raman spectroscopy simultaneously will be introduced and some results will be given.

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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