Resumo – Publicações

Conformally invariant free-parafermionic quantum chains with multispin interactions.
ALCARAZ, Francisco Castilho; RAMOS, Lucas.
Abstract: We calculate the spectral properties of two related families of non-Hermitian free-particle quantum chains with N -multispin interactions ( N = 2 , 3 , ... ). The first family have a Z ( N ) symmetry and are described by free parafermions. The second have a U ( 1 ) symmetry and are generalizations of X X quantum chains described by free fermions. The eigenspectra of both free-particle families are formed by the combination of the same pseudo-energies. The models have a multicritical point with dynamical critical exponent z = 1 . The finite-size behavior of their eigenspectra, as well as the entanglement properties of their ground-state wave function, indicate the models are conformally invariant. The models with open and periodic boundary conditions show quite distinct physics due to their non-Hermiticity. The models defined with open boundaries have a single conformal invariant phase, while the X X multispin models show multiple phases with distinct conformal central charges in the periodic case. The critical exponents of the models are calculated for N = 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Physical Review E
v. 109, n. 4, p. 044138-1-044138-15 - Ano: 2024
Fator de Impacto: 2,4
    @article={003193319,author = {ALCARAZ, Francisco Castilho; RAMOS, Lucas.},title={Conformally invariant free-parafermionic quantum chains with multispin interactions},journal={Physical Review E},note={v. 109, n. 4, p. 044138-1-044138-15},year={2024}}