Resumo – Publicações

NMR diffusion in restricted environment approached by a fractional Langevin model.
ALVES, Felipe Pereira; PINTO, Diogo de Oliveira Soares; PAIVA, Fernando Fernandes.
Abstract: The diffusion motion of spin-bearing molecules is considerably affected in confined environments. In Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments, under the presence of magnetic field gradients, this movement can be encoded in spin phase and the NMR signal attenuation due to diffusion can be evaluated. This paper considered this effect in both normal and anomalous diffusion by means of the Langevin stochastic model within the Gaussian phase approximation (GPA) for a constant gradient temporal profile. The phenomenological approach illustrates the emergence of fractional order exponential decay in the NMR signal and retrieves the classical result from Hanh echo.
Physica A
v. 641, p. 129718-1-129718-10 - Ano: 2024
Fator de Impacto: 3,3
    @article={003190917,author = {ALVES, Felipe Pereira; PINTO, Diogo de Oliveira Soares; PAIVA, Fernando Fernandes.},title={NMR diffusion in restricted environment approached by a fractional Langevin model},journal={Physica A},note={v. 641, p. 129718-1-129718-10},year={2024}}