Resumo – Publicações

Assessment of the ozonolysis effect of rGO-ZnO-based ozone sensors.
KOMORIZONO, Amanda Akemy; LIMA, Bruno Sanches de; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto.
Abstract: Gas sensors based on graphene nanocomposites have been widely investigated for the detection of different gases. However, few studies have reported graphene-based materials for ozone (O3) detection due to a permanent oxidation reaction between ozone and carbon atoms from graphene structure that leads to degradation of the material and poor sensing stability. Such an effect, called ozonolysis, is enhanced at higher temperatures. This article addresses the development of new techniques for the use of rGO-ZnO nanocomposites for ozone detection. A commercial rGO suspension was mixed with ZnO nanoparticles prepared by Pechini method. The study pro- poses two different production methods, according to which 1) ZnO nanoparticles are deposited over the surface of an rGO layer (labeled as rGO/ZnO) and 2) ZnO nanoparticles "sandwich" the rGO layer (labeled as ZnO/rGO/ ZnO). ZnO/rGO/ZnO samples showed no degradation when exposed to ozone and exhibited higher and more stable and efficient responses than rGO/ZnO. The results agree with surface and morphology characterizations through XPS and SEM, suggesting the rGO layer should be covered by ZnO nanoparticles to be stable and efficient for ozone detection.
Sensors and Actuators B
v. 397, p. 134621-1-134621-9 - Ano: 2023
Fator de Impacto: 8,400
    @article={003158933,author = {KOMORIZONO, Amanda Akemy; LIMA, Bruno Sanches de; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto.},title={Assessment of the ozonolysis effect of rGO-ZnO-based ozone sensors},journal={Sensors and Actuators B},note={v. 397, p. 134621-1-134621-9},year={2023}}