
23 de março de 2016

Journal club: “Observing an emergence of the arrow of time in a quantum system”

JC-_loguinhoIrreversibility is one of the most intriguing concepts in physics. While microscopic physical laws are perfectly reversible, macroscopic average behavior (and our daily experience) has a preferred direction of time. How can irreversibility be a consequence of reversible laws, especially Schrödinger’s equation?

According to Thermodynamics, entropy of the Universe never decreases. Although this is a powerful argument in some cases, it can be generalized to stronger statements about the behaviour of systems away from equilibrium. At this point, a connection is made with Information Theory, where there is also a concept with the name ‘entropy’, with a wider meaning.

The discussion is applied to a recent experiment with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, in which the spin 1/2 of an atomic nucles is used as a thermodynamics system. We analyse the concepts of entropy production and irreversibility in this microscopic system in a completely quantum context.

Reference: Batalhão et. al., “Irreversibility and the Arrow of Time in a Quenched Quantum System”, Physical Review Letters 115, 190601.

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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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