
14 de outubro de 2015

Journal club: “Chiral Majorana edge states in HgTe quantum wells”

JC-_loguinhoHgTe-based quantum wells (QWs) recently attracted a lot of attention for the realization of a two-dimensional topological insulator with protected helical edge states. Another class of topological systems are topological superconductors (TSCs) with Majorana edge states. In this paper, we show how proximity induced s-wave superconductivity in the bulk of HgTe-QWs and in the presence of a Zeeman field can exhibit a TSC with chiral Majorana edge states. We calculate the topological invariants and the corresponding Majorana edge states explicitly within a four-band model accounting for inversion symmetry breaking terms due to the Rashba spin–orbit coupling and bulk inversion asymmetry present in these QWs.

L. Weithofer and P. Recher

New Journal of Physics 15 (2013) 085008 (19pp)

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