
11 de novembro de 2016

IFSC OSA Student Chapter: “Professor Eric Van Stryland seminars”

Seminarios-_logo_genericoWe from IFSC OSA Student Chapter have the honour to receive Prof. Eric Van Stryland as part of the Travelling Lecturer program of the Optical Society. Prof. Stryland will give two seminars, a brief one about the history of The Optical Society and other pointing out fundamental aspects of his cutting-edge research. You are welcome to attend both seminars that will be held at Sala F-210 (Administration building) at 2 p.m of November 11th. Take a look below for further information about Prof. Stryland and the seminars.

History of The Optical Society (OSA)

I’ll give a brief introduction of how OSA began in 1916 and how it has turned into an international professional home for nearly 20,000 scientists and engineers. Its offerings are highly respected international refereed journals along with international conferences on optics and photonics. However, it is also a professional network for students and professionals to interact, develop careers in optics and photonics, and much more. It is my professional home and should become yours.

Nonlinear spectroscopy: absorption and refraction

At high optical irradiance of short pulse lasers, the absorption and refraction of materials changes temporarily. We have been developing nonlinear spectroscopic tools for measuring these changes of nonlinear absorption (NLA) and nonlinear refraction (NLR). The tools include Z-scan that separately yields the sign and magnitude of both NLA and NLR, pump-probe for the dynamics of NLA, and our newly developed Beam-Deflection technique that gives the dynamics of NLR. This last technique is so sensitive that it can measure the nonlinear refraction of air (λ/20,000 induced phase change). I will also discuss the interesting and intuitive relations between NLR and NLA determined by causality (nonlinear Kramers-Kronig relations). This leads to a discussion of nondegenerate nonlinearities, e.g. 2-photon absorption (2PA) with two different energy photons. We find orders of magnitude enhancement of 2PA for photon energy rations of ~10. We then utilize these nonlinearities for devices including gated IR detection with uncooled wide-gap semiconductors for 3D LIDAR and the possibility of a 2-photon laser.


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27 de outubro de 2016

IFSC OSA Student Chapter: “Professor Eric Van Stryland seminars”


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