
10 de abril de 2017

High-Energy Physics Seminars: “Hadrons in a Nonperturbative Continuum Approach”

High_energy_physics_seminars-_loguinhoNonperturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is to this day a challenging issue in many seemingly disconnected fields of particle and hadron phenomenology. Various computational techniques and effective modeling have been developed over the past three decades to compute – making using of as many ingredients of QCD as possible – hadronic amplitudes which are dominated by nonperturbative contributions, e.g. weak decay constants, charge radii, electromagnetic and transition form factors, parton and transverse momentum distribution functions etc. The most popular approaches comprise relativistic quark models, QCD sum rules, AdS/QFT models, whereas Lattice-QCD provides in principle an ab initio machinery to calculate hadronic observables. A particular nonperturbative continuum approach to QCD are Dyson-Schwinger equations to describe confined quarks and gluons and the set of Bethe-Salpeter and Faddeev equations within a chiral symmetry-preserving Poincare-invariant truncation

scheme to compute meson and baryon wave functions, their resonant mass spectrum and electromagnetic as well as electroweak properties. I will discuss the current status and review recent results in this field of nonperturbative QCD with a focus on Jefferson Lab and GSI-FAIR physics.


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Instituto de Física de São Carlos - IFSC Universidade de São Paulo - USP
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