
23 de setembro de 2016 - Prof. Paulo Dainese ("Gleb Wataghin" Institute of Physics)

Colloquium diei: “Light-matter interaction in nanophotonic structures”

Colloquium_Diei-loguinhoPhotonic structures with micro to nano-scale sizes have inspired great interest due to their ability to control the propagation of light and its interaction with matter [1]. As part of a FAPESP Jovem Pesquisador project, we have developed tools (modeling, fabrication and characterization) to explore linear and nonlinear effects in sub-wavelength dimension structures such as silica nanowires, silicon-based nano-waveguides, resonators, and photonic bandgap fibers. In this talk, I will review our recent results in this area, covering among other topics the first demonstration of the Brillouin Self-Cancellation effect [2], characterization of free-carriers dispersion and thermal phase shift in silicon waveguides [3], demonstration of a broadband dielectric antenna [4], and characterization of high-order modes in photonics bandgap fibers [5].

[1] P. Dainese, P.S.J. Russell, N. Joly, J.C. Knight, G.S. Wiederhecker, H.L. Fragnito, V. Laude, A. Khelif, “Stimulated Brillouin scattering from multi-GHz-guided acoustic phonons in nanostructured photonic crystal fibres”, Nature Physics 2, 388-392 (2006);

[2] O. Florez, P.F. Jarschel, Y. Espinel, C.M.B. Cordeiro, T.P. Mayer-Alegre, G.S. Wiederhecker, and P. Dainese, “Brillouin Scattering Self- Cancellation”, Nature Communications 7, 11759 (2016);

[3] I. Aldaya, A. Gil-Molina, H.L. Fragnito, and P. Dainese, “Time-domain Interferometric Characterization of Nonlinear and Thermal-induced Phase-shift in Silicon Waveguides”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, SM3R. 7 (2016);

[4] J. Pita, P. Dainese, H. Hernandez-Figueroa, and L.H. Gabrielli, “Ultra-Compact Broadband Dielectric Antenna” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, SM3R. 7 (2016);

[5] E. Lamilla, I. Aldaya, C. M. Serpa, P. Jarshel, and P. Dainese, “Modal Content in a 7-cell Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber and its Dependence with Offset Launch Conditions”, accepted Latin-America Optics and Photonics Conference, oral presentation (2016).

Light-matter interaction in
nanophotonic structures

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