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February, 2025 - 51 publications.
Cobalt tungstate nanoparticles (CoWO4 NPs) affect the photosynthetic performance of the green microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata.
Cobalt tungstate nanoparticles (CoWO4 NPs) affect the photosynthetic performance of the green microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata.
ABREU, Cínthia Bruno de; GEBARA, Renan Castelhano; ROCHA, Giseli Swerts; MANSANO, Adrislaine da Silva; ASSIS, Marcelo; PEREIRA, Thalles Maranesi; VIRTUOSO, Luciano Sindra; MOREIRA, Ailton José; NOGUEIRA, Patricia Franklin Mayrink; ZUCOLOTTO, Valtencir; MELÃO, Maria da Graça Gama; LONGO, Elson.
LIDEB's useful decoys (LUDe): a freely available decoy-generation tool. Benchmarking and scope.
ALBERCA, Lucas Nicolás; PRADA GORI, Denis Nihuel; FALLICO, Maximiliano José; FASSIO, Alexandre Victor; TALEVI, Alan; BELLERA, Carolina Leticia.
Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences
Forecasting chaotic time series: comparative performance of LSTM-based and transformer-based neural network.
Forecasting chaotic time series: comparative performance of LSTM-based and transformer-based neural network.
ALVARENGA, João Pedro do Valle; BRUNO, Odemir Martinez.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Prospects for the detection of dark matter with long-lived mediators in the sun using the southern wide-field gamma-ray observatory.
Prospects for the detection of dark matter with long-lived mediators in the sun using the southern wide-field gamma-ray observatory.
ANDRADE, Micael Jonathan Duarte; FAGIANI, Juan Vitor; SIQUEIRA, Clarissa Martins; SOUZA, Vitor de; VIANA, Aion.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
The role of terminal and bridge ligands in the molecular upconversion of lanthanide(III) 1D coordination polymers.
The role of terminal and bridge ligands in the molecular upconversion of lanthanide(III) 1D coordination polymers.
ANDRADE, Stefano Angerami de; BISPO JUNIOR, Airton Germano; SIMONI, Deborah de Alencar; ELLENA, Javier; ARAUJO NETO, João Honorato; MAZALI, Italo Odone; SIGOLI, Fernando Aparecido.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Observation of relaxation stages in a nonequilibrium closed quantum system: decaying turbulence in a trapped superfluid.
Observation of relaxation stages in a nonequilibrium closed quantum system: decaying turbulence in a trapped superfluid.
ARMIJOS, Michelle Alejandra Moreno; FRITSCH, Amilson Rogelso; OROZCO, Arnol Daniel García; SAB, Sarah; TELLES, Gustavo Deczka; ZHU, Ying; MADEIRA, Lucas; NAZARENKO, Sergey; YUKALOV, Vyacheslav I.; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador.
Physical Review Letters
A new hybrid ß-Cyclodextrin/PAMAM G.0 as an electrochemical sensor for isoniazid detection.
A new hybrid ß-Cyclodextrin/PAMAM G.0 as an electrochemical sensor for isoniazid detection.
BARBOSA, Priscila Fernanda Pereira; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; CARMO, Devaney Ribeiro do.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Chemical functionalization of cellulose nanofibrils with 2-aminoethyl hydrogen sulfate.
Chemical functionalization of cellulose nanofibrils with 2-aminoethyl hydrogen sulfate.
BARROS, Marcus Felippe de Jesus; MATHIAS, Samir Leite; LOPES, Henrique Solowej Medeiros; SILVA, Marcelo de Assumpção Pereira da; PEREIRA, Robson Valentim; MENEZES, Aparecido Junior de.
ACS Omega
Data-driven results for light-quark connected and strange-plus-disconnected hadronic g-2 short- and long-distance windows.
Data-driven results for light-quark connected and strange-plus-disconnected hadronic g-2 short- and long-distance windows.
BENTON, Genessa; BOITO, Diogo Rodrigues; GOLTERMAN, Maarten; KESHAVARZI, Alexander; MALTMAN, Kim; PERIS, Santiago.
Physical Review D
Carbon doping in small lithium clusters: structural, energetic, and electronic properties from quantum Monte Carlo calculations.
Carbon doping in small lithium clusters: structural, energetic, and electronic properties from quantum Monte Carlo calculations.
BRITO, Braulio Gabriel Alencar; HAI, Guo-Qiang; CÂNDIDO, Ladir.
ACS Omega
High-performance piezoelectric generator based on a monocrystalline LiNbO3 fiber.
High-performance piezoelectric generator based on a monocrystalline LiNbO3 fiber.
CAMPOS, Raphael Victor Barros; NOGUEIRA, Francisco Enilton Alves; NASCIMENTO, Joao Paulo Costa do; CARMO, Felipe Felix do; SILVA, Marcelo Antonio Santos da; MARCONDES, Sergio Paulo; HERNANDES, Antônio Carlos; BORISKINA, Svetlana V.; LOZANO SÁNCHEZ, Luis Marcelo; SOMBRA, Antonio Sergio Bezerra.
Crystal Growth and Design
Theoretical and experimental photovoltaic behaviors of an s-tetrazine based D-A copolymer.
Theoretical and experimental photovoltaic behaviors of an s-tetrazine based D-A copolymer.
CASSEMIRO, Sandra de Melo; ZANLORENZI, Cristiano; TURCHETTI, Denis Augusto; ARAÚJO, Francineide Lopes de; FARIA, Roberto Mendonça; MARLETTA, Alexandre; AKCELRUD, Leni.
Advancements in organic fluorescent materials: unveiling the potential of peripheral group modification in dithienyl-diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives for one- and two-photon bioimaging.
Advancements in organic fluorescent materials: unveiling the potential of peripheral group modification in dithienyl-diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives for one- and two-photon bioimaging.
COCCA, Leandro Henrique Zucolotto; VALVERDE, João Victor Pereira; LEITE, Celisnolia Morais; MORENO, Natalia Sanchez; LEITHOLD NETO, Alfredo; MACEDO, Andreia Gerniski; PRATAVIEIRA, Sebastião; SILVA, Daniel Luiz da; RODRIGUES, Paula Cristina; ZUCOLOTTO, Valtencir; MENDONÇA, Cleber Renato; DE BONI, Leonardo.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B
Photonic bands and normal mode splitting in optical lattices interacting with cavities.
Photonic bands and normal mode splitting in optical lattices interacting with cavities.
COURTEILLE, Philippe Wilhelm; JEREZ, Yajaira Dalila Rivero; FRANÇA, Gustavo Henrique de; PESSOA JUNIOR, Claudio Alves; CIPRIS, Ana; PORTELA, Mayerlin Nuñes; TEIXEIRA, Raul Celistrino; SLAMA, Sebastian.
Physical Review A
Nonlinear refraction and absorption in polymers used for femtosecond direct laser writing.
Nonlinear refraction and absorption in polymers used for femtosecond direct laser writing.
CUNHA, Renan Souza; VALVERDE, João Victor Pereira; DE BONI, Leonardo; MISOGUTI, Lino; MENDONÇA, Cleber Renato.
ACS Omega
Temperature control of the two-photon brightness and excited state properties of diimide dibenzene sulfonic-acid perylene monomers/aggregates in a binary water-dimethyl sulfoxide solvent mixture.
Temperature control of the two-photon brightness and excited state properties of diimide dibenzene sulfonic-acid perylene monomers/aggregates in a binary water-dimethyl sulfoxide solvent mixture.
GALINDO, Danyellen Dheyniffer Monteiro; GARCIA, Rafael de Queiroz; TORRES, Bruno Bassi Millan; MENDONÇA, Cleber Renato; DE BONI, Leonardo.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A
BaZrO3 and its application as a photocatalyst for rhodamine B removal.
BaZrO3 and its application as a photocatalyst for rhodamine B removal.
GONÇALVES, Daiane Fernandes; HERNANDES, Paola Gay; CARVALHO, Ramon Dadalto; RODRIGUES, Inaiara Leite; RAUBACH, Cristiane Wienke; MOREIRA, Mario Lucio; JARDIM, Pedro Lovato Gomes; FERRER, Mateus Meneghetti; MOREIRA, Eduardo Ceretta; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; GRAEFF, Carlos Frederico de Oliveira; CAVA, Sergio da Silva.
Chemical Physics Letters
Enhanced sonocatalytic activity of BaZrO3 by insertion of Fe3+.
Enhanced sonocatalytic activity of BaZrO3 by insertion of Fe3+.
GONÇALVES, Daiane Fernandes; HERNANDES, Paola Gay; MOREIRA, Mario Lucio; RAUBACH, Cristiane Wienke; JARDIM, Pedro Lovato Gomes; FERRER, Mateus Meneghetti; MOREIRA, Eduardo Ceretta; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; CAVA, Sergio da Silva.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
CaMoO4 mesocrystals with sonocatalytic activity for rhodamine b removal.
CaMoO4 mesocrystals with sonocatalytic activity for rhodamine b removal.
GONÇALVES, Daiane Fernandes; STIGGER, Ananda Ramires Das Neves; MOREIRA, Mario Lucio; FERRER, Mateus Meneghetti; RAUBACH, Cristiane Wienke; JARDIM, Pedro Lovato Gomes; GRAEFF, Carlos Frederico de Oliveira; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; CAVA, Sergio da Silva.
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Probing axionlike particles through the gamma-ray production from cosmic-ray scattering in the Milky Way dark matter halo.
Probing axionlike particles through the gamma-ray production from cosmic-ray scattering in the Milky Way dark matter halo.
GONÇALVES, Victor Paulo; MOULIN, Emmanuel; REIS, Igor; VIANA, Aion.
Physical Review D
Supramolecular assembly of mebendazolium and dihydrogen phosphate ions in a new anthelmintic salt.
Supramolecular assembly of mebendazolium and dihydrogen phosphate ions in a new anthelmintic salt.
GUTIÉRREZ, Eduardo Luciano; RUSSO, Marcos Guillermo; NARDA, Griselda Edith; BRUSAU, Elena Virginia; AYALA, Alejandro Pedro; ELLENA, Javier.
Acta Crystallographica E
Measurement of the depth of maximum of air-shower profiles with energies between 10 18.5 and 10 20 eV using the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory and deep learning.
Measurement of the depth of maximum of air-shower profiles with energies between 10 18.5 and 10 20 eV using the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory and deep learning.
HALIM, Adila Binti Abdul; CATALANI, Fernando; SOUZA, Vitor de; SANTOS, Edivaldo Moura; OLIVEIRA, Cainã de; PEIXOTO, Carlos Jose Todero.
Physical Review D
Inference of the mass composition of cosmic rays with energies from 10 18.5 to 10 20 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory and deep learning.
Inference of the mass composition of cosmic rays with energies from 10 18.5 to 10 20 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory and deep learning.
HALIM, Adila Binti Abdul; CATALANI, Fernando; SOUZA, Vitor de; SANTOS, Edivaldo Moura; OLIVEIRA, Cainã de; PEIXOTO, Carlos Jose Todero.
Physical Review Letters
Revisiting institutional punishment in the n-person prisoner?s dilemma.
Revisiting institutional punishment in the n-person prisoner?s dilemma.
ISHIKAWA, Bianca Yumi Simote; FONTANARI, José Fernando.
Theory in Biosciences
Crystal structure of the GDP-bound GTPase era from Staphylococcus aureus.
Crystal structure of the GDP-bound GTPase era from Staphylococcus aureus.
KLOCHKOVA, Evelina; BIKTIMIROV, Artem; ISLAMOV, Daut; BELUSOUV, Anatolii Sergeevich; VALIDOV, Shamil; YUSUPOV, Marat; USACHEV, Konstantin.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
High-field magnetic phase diagrams of the ???Mn6?Sn6 (??=Gd-Tm) kagome metals.
High-field magnetic phase diagrams of the ???Mn6?Sn6 (??=Gd-Tm) kagome metals.
L, Nil; TREVISAN, Thais Victa; MCQUEENEY, Robert J.
Physical Review B
Polarization-dependent plasmon-induced doping and strain effects in MoS2 monolayers on gold nanostructures.
Polarization-dependent plasmon-induced doping and strain effects in MoS2 monolayers on gold nanostructures.
LEMES, Matheus Fernandes Sousa; PIMENTA, Ana Clara Sampaio; CALDERÓN, Gaston Lozano; SILVA, Marcelo de Assumpção Pereira da; AMES, Alessandra; TEODORO, Marcio Daldin; MAREGA, Guilherme Migliato; CHIESA, Riccardo; WANG, Zhenyu; KIS, Andras; MAREGA JUNIOR, Euclydes.
ACS Nano
Fungal derived dye as potential photosensitizer for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy.
Fungal derived dye as potential photosensitizer for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy.
LIMA, Isabelle Almeida de; LIMA, Caio de Azevedo; ANNUNZIO, Sarah Raquel de; OLIVEIRA, Fernanda de; SILVA, Silvio Silverio da; FONTANA, Carla Raquel; EBINUMA, Valéria de Carvalho Santos.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B
Probing late-time annihilations of oscillating asymmetric dark matter via rotation curves of galaxies.
Probing late-time annihilations of oscillating asymmetric dark matter via rotation curves of galaxies.
MAMPRIM, Júlia Gouvea; GAMBINI, Guillermo; ARBELETCHE, Luan Bonneau; OLEGARIO, Marcos Vinicius Tomás; SOUZA, Vitor de.
European Physical Journal Plus
Diffusion coefficient measurements for moving samples under strong magnetic field gradients.
Diffusion coefficient measurements for moving samples under strong magnetic field gradients.
MARASSI, Agide Gimenez; FERREIRA, Arthur Gustavo de Araújo; OLIVEIRA, Everton Lucas de; AMORIM, Aparecido Donizeti Fernandes de; VIDOTO, Edson Luiz Gea; TREVIZAN, Willian Andrighetto; BONAGAMBA, Tito José.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance
In-depth mapping of DNA-PKcs signaling uncovers noncanonical features of its kinase specificity.
In-depth mapping of DNA-PKcs signaling uncovers noncanonical features of its kinase specificity.
MARSHALL, Shannon; NAVARRO, Marcos Vicente de Albuquerque Salles; ASCEN?ÃO, Carolline Fernanda Rodrigues; DIBITETTO, Diego; SMOLKA, Marcus Bustamante.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Informational approach to uncover the age group interactions in epidemic spreading from macro analysis.
Informational approach to uncover the age group interactions in epidemic spreading from macro analysis.
MARTINELLI, Tiago; ALETA, Alberto; RODRIGUES, Francisco Aparecido; MORENO, Yamir.
Physical Review E
Synthesis and in vitro leishmanicidal activity of novel n-arylspermidine derivatives.
Synthesis and in vitro leishmanicidal activity of novel n-arylspermidine derivatives.
MOLLO, María Cruz; CAMBIASO, Mariana L.; FERREIRA, Leonardo Luiz Gomes; Kilimciler Natalia B.; BISCEGLIA, Juan A.; ANDRICOPULO, Adriano Defini; ORELLI, Liliana R.
Bioorganic Chemistry
Combined impact of pesticides on mono- and bilayer lipid membranes.
Combined impact of pesticides on mono- and bilayer lipid membranes.
MORATO, Luis Fernando do Carmo; RUIZ, Gilia Cristine Marques; LESSA, Carlos Junior Amorim; OLIVIER, Danilo da Silva; AMARAL, Marcos Serrou do; GOMES, Orisson Ponce; PAZIN, Wallance Moreira; BATAGIN NETO, Augusto; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Osvaldo Novais de; CONSTANTINO, Carlos José Leopoldo.
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids
A novel imatinib analogue inhibitor of chronic myeloid leukaemia: design, synthesis and characterization - explanation of its folded conformation.
A novel imatinib analogue inhibitor of chronic myeloid leukaemia: design, synthesis and characterization - explanation of its folded conformation.
Royal Society Open Science
Fuzz testing molecular representation using deep variational anomaly generation.
Fuzz testing molecular representation using deep variational anomaly generation.
NOGUEIRA, Victor Henrique Rabesquine; SHARMA, Rishabh; GUIDO, Rafael Victorio Carvalho; KEISER, Michael James.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Using machine learning and optical microscopy image analysis of immunosensors made on plasmonic substrates: application to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Using machine learning and optical microscopy image analysis of immunosensors made on plasmonic substrates: application to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
OITICICA, Pedro Ramon Almeida; ANGELIM, Monara Kaélle Servulo Cruz; SOARES, Juliana Coatrini; SOARES, Andrey Coatrini; PROENÇA-MODENA, José Luiz; BRUNO, Odemir Martinez; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Osvaldo Novais de.
ACS Sensors
Discovery of arylpiperazines with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and favorable pharmacokinetic profiles.
Discovery of arylpiperazines with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and favorable pharmacokinetic profiles.
OLIVEIRA, Douglas Davison da Silva; SILVA, Nagela Bernadelli Sousa; LAPIERRE, Thibault Joseph William Jacques Dit; SOUZA, Sara Lemes de; BRITO, Nícolas Peterson Ferreira; MARTINHO, Ana Clara Cassiano; DIAS, Renieidy Flávia Clemente; FARAGO, Danilo Nascimento; DUARTE, Simone Michelan; CHELUCCI, Rafael Consolin; CRUZ, Mariza Gabriela Faleiro de Moura Lodi; RESENDE, Daniela de Melo; ANDRICOPULO, Adriano Defini; MURTA, Silvane Maria Fonseca; FERREIRA, Leonardo Luiz Gomes; MARTINS, Carlos Henrique Gomes; REZENDE JUNIOR, Celso de Oliveira.
Chemistry and Biodiversity
SuFEx-functionalized quinones via ruthenium-catalyzed C-H alkenylation: a potential building block for bioactivity valorization.
SuFEx-functionalized quinones via ruthenium-catalyzed C-H alkenylation: a potential building block for bioactivity valorization.
OLIVEIRA, Joyce Cristina de; ABREU, Breno Urcine; PAZ, Esther Regina Silva; ALMEIDA, Renata Gomes de; ARAUJO NETO, João Honorato; SOUZA, Cauê Paula de; FANTUZZI, Felipe; RAMOS, Victor F. S.; MENNA-BARRETO, Rubem Figueiredo Sadok; ARAUJO, Maria Helena; JARDIM, Guilherme Augusto de Melo; SILVA JÚNIOR, Eufrânio Nunes da.
Chemistry - An Asian Journal
Selective photocatalytic benzene oxidation using iron-carbon nitride fragments functionalized with cyamelurate-like groups.
Selective photocatalytic benzene oxidation using iron-carbon nitride fragments functionalized with cyamelurate-like groups.
OLIVEIRA, Wanessa Lima de; SILVA, Marcos Airam Ribeiro e; DIAB, Gabriel Ali Atta; GABRIEL FILHO, Jose Balena; PASTANA, Vitor Gabriel da Silva; SILVA, Luana L. B.; OLIVEIRA, Eduarda Ferreira de; BATISTA, Walker Vinícius Ferreira do Carmo; CRUZ, Taís dos Santos da; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; PIRES, Manoel José Mendes; TEIXEIRA, Ivo Freitas; MESQUISA, João Paulo.
Stress-energy tensor of an Unruh-DeWitt detector.
Stress-energy tensor of an Unruh-DeWitt detector.
PERCHE, Tales Rick; MANOEL, João Paulo Pitelli; VANZELLA, Daniel Augusto Turolla.
Physical Review D
Unraveling the effect of Al-doping on the local structure and the photoluminescence of CaTiO3:Pr nanophosphor.
Unraveling the effect of Al-doping on the local structure and the photoluminescence of CaTiO3:Pr nanophosphor.
RIBEIRO, Guilherme Kubo; CHAIM, Thiago Ardana; BERNARDI, Maria Inês Basso; ROVEDA JUNIOR, Antonio Carlos; OTUKA, Adriano José Galvani; VICENTE, Fábio Simões de; MESQUITA, Alexandre.
Materials Science and Engineering B
Fluorescence images of skin lesions and automated diagnosis using convolutional neural networks.
Fluorescence images of skin lesions and automated diagnosis using convolutional neural networks.
ROCHA, Matheus Becali; PRATAVIEIRA, Sebastião; VIEIRA, Renan Souza; GELLER, Juliana Duarte; STEIN, Amanda Lima Mutz; OLIVEIRA, Fernanda Sales Soares de; CANUTO, Tania R.P.; VIEIRA, Luciana de Paula; ROSSONI, Renan; SANTOS, Maria C.S.; FRASSON, Patricia H.L.; FRASSON, Patricia Henriques Lyra; KROHLING, Renato Antonio.
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
Quantum speed limits based on Schatten norms: universality and tightness.
Quantum speed limits based on Schatten norms: universality and tightness.
ROSAL, Alberto Jônatas Bezerra; PINTO, Diogo de Oliveira Soares; PIRES, Diego Paiva.
Physics Letters A
Comparative efficacy of ultrasonic scalpel surgery with photodynamic therapy versus trichloroacetic acid application in treating HPV-related condyloma acuminata: a randomized clinical trial.
Comparative efficacy of ultrasonic scalpel surgery with photodynamic therapy versus trichloroacetic acid application in treating HPV-related condyloma acuminata: a randomized clinical trial.
SANTOS, Valter Fausto dos; BARROS, Ian Carlos de; TOMAZELLA, Vera Lucia Damasceno; PORTELA, Adriane Caroline Teixeira; ARRUDA, Semira Silva de; BUZZÁ, Hilde Harb; INADA, Natalia Mayumi; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador; AZEVEDO, Mirian Denise Stringasci de.
Journal of Medical Virology
Human gut microbes express functionally distinct endoglycosidases to metabolize the same N-glycan substrate.
Human gut microbes express functionally distinct endoglycosidases to metabolize the same N-glycan substrate.
SASTRE, Diego Emiliano; SULTANA, Nazneen; NAVARRO, Marcos Vicente de Albuquerque Salles; HULICIAK, Maros; DU, Jonathan; CIFUENTE, Javier Orlando; FLOWERS, Maria; LIU, Xiu; LOLLAR, Pete; TRASTOY, Beatriz; GUERIN, Marcelo E.; SUNDBERG, Eric J.
Nature Communications
Sustainable and biodegradable polymer packaging: perspectives, challenges, and opportunities.
Sustainable and biodegradable polymer packaging: perspectives, challenges, and opportunities.
TEIXEIRA, Samiris Côcco; OLIVEIRA, Taíla Veloso de; SOARES, Nilda de Fatima Ferreira; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, Paulo Augusto.
Food Chemistry
Aggregation-Induced enhanced emission and twisted intramolecular charge transfer in a pyridylcarbodinitrile with tunable photoluminescence in solution, films, and OLEDs.
Aggregation-Induced enhanced emission and twisted intramolecular charge transfer in a pyridylcarbodinitrile with tunable photoluminescence in solution, films, and OLEDs.
VESGA-HERNÁNDEZ, Carolina; CARVALHO, Rafael dos Santos; BARRETO, Arthur; PEDROZO-PENÃFIEL, Marlin Jeannette; NORONHA, Julia Rodrigues de; MAQUEIRA, Luís; BACK, Davi Fernando; NASCIMENTO, Dayvid Mello; COCCA, Leandro Henrique Zucolotto; AUCELIO, Ricardo Queiroz; DE BONI, Leonardo; CREMONA, Marco; LIMBERGER, Jones.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A
A novel approach for nanometer-scale patterning in PDMS: utilizing micro contact printing for advanced photonic devices.
A novel approach for nanometer-scale patterning in PDMS: utilizing micro contact printing for advanced photonic devices.
ZARAMELLA, Pedro Henrique Dondori; ZANATTA, Bruno Souza; FOSCHINI, Mauricio; PIOVESAN, Erick; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Osvaldo Novais de; MARLETTA, Alexandre.
Optical Materials
Work statistics and entanglement across the fermionic superfluid-insulator transition.
Work statistics and entanglement across the fermionic superfluid-insulator transition.
ZAWADZKI, Krissia; CANELLA, Guilherme Arantes; FRANÇA, Vivian Vanessa; D'AMICO, Irene.
Advanced Quantum Technologies
Advanced wood species identification based on multiple anatomical sections and using deep feature transfer and fusion.
Advanced wood species identification based on multiple anatomical sections and using deep feature transfer and fusion.
ZIELINSKI, Kallil Miguel Caparroz; SCABINI, Leonardo Felipe dos Santos; RIBAS, Lucas Correia; SILVA, Núbia Rosa da; BEECKMAN, Hans; VERWAEREN, Jan; BRUNO, Odemir Martinez; BAETS, Bernard De.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture