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October, 2024 - 24 publications.
Copper doped hybrid 2D ZnO-stearic acid nanocomposite for boosting photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants under simulated solar light.
Copper doped hybrid 2D ZnO-stearic acid nanocomposite for boosting photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants under simulated solar light.
ALEGRIA, Matías; ALIAGA, Juan Antonio; CORTÉS, Pablo; VILLARROEL, Roberto; BALLESTEROS, Luis Alberto; DONOSO, José Pedro; MAGON, Claudio José; GONZALEZ, Guillermo; BENAVENTE, Eglantina.
Ceramics International
Amplificative-dissipative tunneling: the problem of genetic mutation.
Amplificative-dissipative tunneling: the problem of genetic mutation.
ARAUJO, Hugo Sanchez de; MOUSSA, Miled Hassan Youssef.
European Physical Journal Plus
Cooperative atomic emission from a line of atoms interacting with a resonant plane surface.
Cooperative atomic emission from a line of atoms interacting with a resonant plane surface.
ARAÚJO, Michelle Oliveira de; CARVALHO, João Carlos de Aquino; COURTEILLE, Philippe Wilhelm; LALIOTIS, Athanasios.
Physical Review A
Ni single-atoms supported on N-doped carbon prepared by cation exchange: ultrafast catalyst for the reduction of nitroarene compounds under ambient conditions.
Ni single-atoms supported on N-doped carbon prepared by cation exchange: ultrafast catalyst for the reduction of nitroarene compounds under ambient conditions.
BATISTA, Walker Vinícius Ferreira do Carmo; OLIVEIRA, Wanessa Lima de; OLIVEIRA, Eduarda Ferreira de; CRUZ, Taís Santos; FERRARI, Jefferson Luis; ARCHANJO, Braulio Soares; GRIGOLETTO, Sabrina; FERREIRA, Dalva Ester da Costa; PEREIRA, Fabiano Vargas; DIAB, Gabriel Ali Atta; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; TEIXEIRA, Ivo Freitas; MESQUITA, Joao Paulo de.
Intriguing combinations of p-cymene, chloride ion, phosphines, and amines in ruthenium metal centers: which ligand decoordinates for ROMP?.
Intriguing combinations of p-cymene, chloride ion, phosphines, and amines in ruthenium metal centers: which ligand decoordinates for ROMP?.
CAETANO, Renan Bernard Gléria; SANTIAGO, Pedro Henrique de Oliveira; ELLENA, Javier; OLIVEIRA, Daniel Arley Santos; BRAGA, Ataualpa Albert Carmo; LIMA NETO, Benedito dos Santos.
Molecular Catalysis
Use of photodynamic therapy to combat recurrent pharyngotonsillitis: three case reports.
Use of photodynamic therapy to combat recurrent pharyngotonsillitis: three case reports.
DUARTE, Laíza Mohana Pinheiro; SANTIAGO, Isabella Dotta Damha; BLANCO, Kate Cristina; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador.
Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
Solid-state vitrification of LiPO3 through mechanical milling.
Solid-state vitrification of LiPO3 through mechanical milling.
FERREIRA, Matheus José; SCHNEIDER, José Fabian.
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Enhanced performance of impedimetric immunosensors to detect SARS-CoV-2 with bare gold nanoparticles and graphene acetic acid.
Enhanced performance of impedimetric immunosensors to detect SARS-CoV-2 with bare gold nanoparticles and graphene acetic acid.
FERREIRA, Rafael Cintra Hensel; VIZIO, Biagio Di; MATERON, Elsa Maria; SHIMIZU, Flávio Makoto; ANGELIM, Monara Kaélle Servulo Cruz; SOUZA, Gabriela Fabiano de; MODENA, José Luiz Proenca; VIEIRA, Pedro Manoel Mendes de Moraes; DE AZEVEDO, Ricardo Bentes; LITTI, Lucio; AGNOLI, Stefano; CASALINI, Stefano; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Osvaldo Novais de.
Solving the prisoner?s dilemma trap in Hamilton?s model of temporarily formed random groups.
Solving the prisoner?s dilemma trap in Hamilton?s model of temporarily formed random groups.
FONTANARI, José Fernando; SANTOS, Mauro.
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Photocatalytic properties of BiFeO3 (BFO) synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method.
Photocatalytic properties of BiFeO3 (BFO) synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method.
KNUTH, Flávio Airton; KNUTH, Rogerio Daltro; ÜCKER, Cátia Liane; RIEMKE, Fábio Calcagno; RATMANN, Cristiane Wienke Raubach; MOREIRA, Mario Lucio; FERRER, Mateus Meneghetti; JARDIM, Pedro Lovato Gomes; CANTONEIRO, Renato G.; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; CAVA, Sérgio da Silva.
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Strategies for overcoming the lung surfactant barrier and achieving success in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy.
Strategies for overcoming the lung surfactant barrier and achieving success in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy.
LIMA, Isabelle Almeida de; JESUS, Lorraine Gabriele Fiuza de; TOVAR, Johan Sebastián Díaz; BEJAR, Dianeth Sara Lima; TOMÉ, Ana Julia Barbosa; REQUENA, Michelle Barreto; PIRES, Layla; ZHENG, Gang; INADA, Natalia Mayumi; KURACHI, Cristina; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
The number of fundamental constants from a spacetime-based perspective.
The number of fundamental constants from a spacetime-based perspective.
MATSAS, George Emanuel Avraam; PLEITEZ, Vicente; SAA, Alberto Vasquez; VANZELLA, Daniel Augusto Turolla.
Scientific Reports
Optimized continuous dynamical decoupling via differential geometry and machine learning.
Optimized continuous dynamical decoupling via differential geometry and machine learning.
MORAZOTTI, Nícolas André da Costa; SILVA, Adonai Hilário da; AUDI, Gabriel; FANCHIN, Felipe Fernandes; NAPOLITANO, Reginaldo de Jesus.
Physical Review A
Toxic metals removal by new membranes based on graphene oxide and a cationic polymer: influence of chemical and morphological aspects.
Toxic metals removal by new membranes based on graphene oxide and a cationic polymer: influence of chemical and morphological aspects.
NEVES, Tauany de Figueiredo; LOPES, Cláudia Batista; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; DANTAS, Renato Falcão; SILVA, Carlos Manuel; PREDIGER, Patrícia.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Palladium(II) and platinum(II) thiophene-based thiosemicarbazones: Synthesis, properties, and anticancer studies.
Palladium(II) and platinum(II) thiophene-based thiosemicarbazones: Synthesis, properties, and anticancer studies.
OLIVEIRA, Gabriela P.; LIMA, Mauro Almeida; PEREIRA, George Bueno Santana; COSTA, Analu Rocha; BATISTA, Alzir Azevedo; FORIM, Moacir Rossi; COMINETTI, Márcia Regina; ZANETTI, Renan D.; FARIAS, Renan Lira de; NETTO, Adelino Vieira de Godoy; ARAUJO NETO, João Honorato; ELLENA, Javier; MORENO, Laura Olmedo; GONZALEZ, Vivian Capilla; ROCHA, Fillipe Vieira.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Resolution of glycerol, ethanol and methanol employing a voltammetric electronic tongue.
Resolution of glycerol, ethanol and methanol employing a voltammetric electronic tongue.
OLIVEIRA, João Pedro Jenson de; EMETERIO, Marta Bonet San; SÁ, Acelino Cardoso de; CETÓ, Xavier; PAIM, Leonardo Lataro; VALLE, Manel del.
Photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin: a combined experimental and theoretical study using curcumin and hydrogen peroxide.
Photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin: a combined experimental and theoretical study using curcumin and hydrogen peroxide.
PAIVA, Flórida L. P.; SILVA, Maria Vivian Costa; MENDONÇA, Ana Lara Ferreira; ARAÚJO, Cristiane Sales; SALLUM, Lóide Oliveira; AGUIAR, Antônio Sérgio Nakao de; LIMA, Alessandra Ramos; NAPOLITANO, Hamilton Barbosa; CALVETE, Mário José Ferreira; DIAS, Lucas Danilo.
Femtosecond laser-induced damage threshold incubation in SrTiO3 thin films.
Femtosecond laser-induced damage threshold incubation in SrTiO3 thin films.
PAULA, Kelly Tasso de; HUAMAN, Jose Luis Clabel; VIEIRA, Eduardo Vinícius Macedo; MASTELARO, Valmor Roberto; VOLLET FILHO, José Dirceu; MENDONÇA, Cleber Renato.
Applied Surface Science
Oxime-derived palladacycles bearing 2,6-lutidine: synthesis, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions with biomolecules.
Oxime-derived palladacycles bearing 2,6-lutidine: synthesis, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions with biomolecules.
POLEZ, Ana Maria Romão; FARIAS, Renan Lira de; LIMA, Andresa Alves de; LAZZARINI, Ana Beatriz; MOURA, Thales Reggiani de; VELASQUES, Jecika Maciel; SOUZA, Jessica Carolina; ROCHA, Fillipe Vieira; LIMA, Mauro Almeida; ELLENA, Javier; MIRANDA, Victor Maia; DEFLON, Victor Marcelo; MOREIRA, Mariete Barbosa; NETTO, Adelino Vieira de Godoy.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Probing Majorana wave functions in kitaev honeycomb spin liquids with second-order two-dimensional spectroscopy.
Probing Majorana wave functions in kitaev honeycomb spin liquids with second-order two-dimensional spectroscopy.
QIANG, Yihua; QUITO, Victor Luiz; TREVISAN, Thais Victa; ORTH, Peter P.
Physical Review Letters
Symmetry breaking and non-ergodicity in a driven-dissipative ensemble of multilevel atoms in a cavity.
Symmetry breaking and non-ergodicity in a driven-dissipative ensemble of multilevel atoms in a cavity.
RAMIREZ, Enrique Hernandez; SUAREZ, Elmer; LESANOVSKY, Igor; SANCHEZ, Beatriz Olmos; COURTEILLE, Philippe Wilhelm; SLAMA, Sebastian.
Physical Review Research
A comprehensive taxonomy of cellular automata.
A comprehensive taxonomy of cellular automata.
ROLLIER, Michiel; ZIELINSKI, Kallil Miguel Caparroz; DALY, Aisling Jane; BRUNO, Odemir Martinez; BAETENS, Jan M.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Thermothelomyces thermophilus exo- and endo-glucanases as tools for pathogenic E. coli biofilm degradation.
Thermothelomyces thermophilus exo- and endo-glucanases as tools for pathogenic E. coli biofilm degradation.
SAMANIEGO, Lorgio Victor Bautista; SCANDELAU, Samuel Luis; SILVA, Caroline Rosa; PRATAVIEIRA, Sebastião; PELLEGRINI, Vanessa de Oliveira Arnoldi; DABUL, Andrei Nicoli Gebieluca; ESMERINO, Luis Antônio; OLIVEIRA NETO, Mario de; HERNANDES, Rodrigo Tavanelli; SEGATO, Fernando; PILEGGI, Marcos; POLIKARPOV, Igor.
Scientific Reports
Polaron formation via doping process in an organic semiconductor polymer based on thiophene-phenylene.
Polaron formation via doping process in an organic semiconductor polymer based on thiophene-phenylene.
SILVA, Marcia Dutra Ramos; SILVA, Silésia Fátima Curcino da; JARROSSON, Thibaut; PORTE, Jean Pierre Lère; SPIRAU, Françoise Serein; NOBUYASU JUNIOR, Roberto Shigueru; PEREIRA, Gustavo Gonçalves Dalkiranis; ZANATTA, Bruno Souza; NOGUEIRA, Sandra Lucia; FOSCHINI, Mauricio; SILVA, Rogério Almeida; MARLETTA, Alexandre.
European Polymer Journal