
3 de fevereiro de 2021

Data Management and Biostatistics Specialist, University of São Paulo, Brazil

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Data Management and Biostatistics Specialist, University of São Paulo, Brazil

This data management and biostatistics specialist will be based at the University of São Paulo, Brazil — more specifically, at the Department of Parasitology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences ( The successful applicant will be part of the Data Management Core, led by Dr. Marcia Castro (Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA;, of a NIH-supported research program on malaria epidemiology in the Amazon (

Abstract.Our ongoing studies combine classical epidemiological approaches (prospective cohort studies) that characterize risk factors and intervention targets, with population genetics/genomics analyses of parasites, with the ultimate goal of improving current strategies for malaria control and elimination in Brazil.

Duties, stipend, and duration. Roles include: (a) designing and implementing standardized case report forms (CRFs) for field surveys in the Amazon using RedCap templates; (b) programming tablets for filling the CRFs in the field sites; (c) training field teams in data entry; (d) data cleaning and statistical analysis; and (e) other duties as assigned. We expect to have a data manager/statistician working in the group over the next 3 years, starting in February or March 2021. We have anticipated a yearly stipend of US$ 12,000 (US$ 1,000 = R$ 5,310 per month) for the data manager/statistician, which corresponds approximately to the stipend of a junior post-doctoral fellow in Brazil (

Qualifications. Prerequisites are:(a) undergraduate or graduate degree in an area related to the project (Epidemiology, Public Health, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Physics etc.); (b) basic programming skills (e.g., writing scripts in R and other languages) and experience with common statistics software (e.g., Stata, R, or SAS); (c) (c) familiarity with generalized linear models; (d) fluency in English; and (e) availability for further training in statistical analysis at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Boston, USA), under the supervision of Prof. Marcia C. Castro. Availability for travel to field sites in the Amazon is highly desirable, although not mandatory; fluency in Portuguese or Spanish is required.

How to apply. Candidates must send an e-mail to until February 26, 2021 (but preferably earlier), with the following: (a) a short CV (up to 5 pages; preferably Lattes CV [for Brazilians] or NIH-style biosketch); (b) statement in English (2 pages) explaining the interest in this position; and (c) references (name, institution, phone number and e-mail) from two previous mentors who can provide information on the candidate.

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