Admission in Biomolecular Physics

The admission consists of two phases. First the candidate applies for a written exam. Second the candidate apply for the admission in the Program.

We prepare and offer the written exame world wide.

The official rules for the selection procedure must be written in Portuguese due to legal aspects of our University. If you read Portuguese, please read the rules here. If don’t read Portuguese, please write an email to and we will be happy to assist you.

The enrolment in the Postgraduate courses of the IFSC / USP presupposes the existence of an advisor for the program of studies and research to be developed.

In order to choose the advisor, the candidate must contact IFSC / USP Professors who work in the area in which he or she wishes to specialize. We suggest that this contact be personal, and performed, at least, six months before de date for the beginning of the program. For candidates coming from other institutions, we recommend a previous visit to the Institute, or an e-mail contact.

Students entering in the IFSC master’s degree do not need to make the choice of an advisor at their entrance. According to the rules of the Program, this choice may be made within 120 days after entry however a schoolaship is only available to students with advisors.

The student who finds any difficulty to choose the advisor or define his area of ​​research should contact

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