Aggregation-Induced enhanced emission and twisted intramolecular charge transfer in a pyridylcarbodinitrile with tunable photoluminescence in solution, films, and OLEDs.
VESGA-HERNÁNDEZ, Carolina; CARVALHO, Rafael dos Santos; BARRETO, Arthur; PEDROZO-PENÃFIEL, Marlin Jeannette; NORONHA, Julia Rodrigues de; MAQUEIRA, Luís; BACK, Davi Fernando; NASCIMENTO, Dayvid Mello; COCCA, Leandro Henrique Zucolotto; AUCELIO, Ricardo Queiroz; DE BONI, Leonardo; CREMONA, Marco; LIMBERGER, Jones.
VESGA-HERNÁNDEZ, Carolina; CARVALHO, Rafael dos Santos; BARRETO, Arthur; PEDROZO-PENÃFIEL, Marlin Jeannette; NORONHA, Julia Rodrigues de; MAQUEIRA, Luís; BACK, Davi Fernando; NASCIMENTO, Dayvid Mello; COCCA, Leandro Henrique Zucolotto; AUCELIO, Ricardo Queiroz; DE BONI, Leonardo; CREMONA, Marco; LIMBERGER, Jones.