Abstract – Publication

Observation of relaxation stages in a nonequilibrium closed quantum system: decaying turbulence in a trapped superfluid.
ARMIJOS, Michelle Alejandra Moreno; FRITSCH, Amilson Rogelso; OROZCO, Arnol Daniel García; SAB, Sarah; TELLES, Gustavo Deczka; ZHU, Ying; MADEIRA, Lucas; NAZARENKO, Sergey; YUKALOV, Vyacheslav I.; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador.
Abstract: The dynamics of nonequilibrium closed quantum systems and their route to thermalization are of fundamental interest to several fields, from cosmology to particle physics. However, a comprehensive description of nonequilibrium phenomena still presents a significant challenge. In this work, we report the observation of distinct stages during the relaxation of the decaying turbulence in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. Our findings show a direct particle cascade from low to high momenta, a consequence of the energy injection in the system, exhibiting a characteristic universal scaling. This stage is followed by an inverse particle cascade responsible for repopulating the previously depleted condensate. Both cascades can be explained through self-similar solutions provided by wave turbulence theory. These findings provide important insights into the relaxation stages of out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body systems.
Physical Review Letters
v. 134, n. 2, p. 023401-1-023401-6 + supplemental material - Ano: 2025
Fator de Impacto: 8,1
    @article={003236665,author = {ARMIJOS, Michelle Alejandra Moreno; FRITSCH, Amilson Rogelso; OROZCO, Arnol Daniel García; SAB, Sarah; TELLES, Gustavo Deczka; ZHU, Ying; MADEIRA, Lucas; NAZARENKO, Sergey; YUKALOV, Vyacheslav I.; BAGNATO, Vanderlei Salvador.},title={Observation of relaxation stages in a nonequilibrium closed quantum system: decaying turbulence in a trapped superfluid},journal={Physical Review Letters},note={v. 134, n. 2, p. 023401-1-023401-6 + supplemental material},year={2025}}