Abstract – Publication

High-field magnetic phase diagrams of the ???Mn6?Sn6 (??=Gd-Tm) kagome metals.
L, Nil; TREVISAN, Thais Victa; MCQUEENEY, Robert J.
Abstract: ???Mn6?Sn6 (??=Y, Gd-Lu) kagome metals are promising materials hosting flat electronic bands and Dirac points that interact with magnetism. The coupling between the two magnetic ?? and Mn sublattices can drive complex magnetic states with potential consequences for spin and charge transport and other topological properties. Here, we use a detailed magnetic Hamiltonian to calculate and predict the magnetic phase diagrams for ???Mn6?Sn6 kagome metals within the mean-field approximation. These calculations reveal a variety of collinear, noncollinear, and noncoplanar phases that arise from competition between various interlayer magnetic exchange interactions and magnetic anisotropies of the ?? and Mn ions. We enumerate these phases and their magnetic space groups for future analysis of their impact on topological and trivial bands near the Fermi surface.
Physical Review B
v. 111, n. 5, p. 054410-1-054410-18 - Ano: 2025
Fator de Impacto: 3,2
    @article={003236451,author = {L, Nil; TREVISAN, Thais Victa; MCQUEENEY, Robert J.},title={High-field magnetic phase diagrams of the ???Mn6?Sn6 (??=Gd-Tm) kagome metals},journal={Physical Review B},note={v. 111, n. 5, p. 054410-1-054410-18 },year={2025}}