Abstract – Publication

Data-driven results for light-quark connected and strange-plus-disconnected hadronic g-2 short- and long-distance windows.
BENTON, Genessa; BOITO, Diogo Rodrigues; GOLTERMAN, Maarten; KESHAVARZI, Alexander; MALTMAN, Kim; PERIS, Santiago.
Abstract: A key issue affecting the attempt to reduce the uncertainty on the Standard Model prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment is the current discrepancy between lattice-QCD and data-driven results for the hadronic vacuum polarization. Progress on this issue benefits from precise data-driven determinations of the isospin-limit light-quark-connected (lqc) and strange-plus-light-quark-disconnected (s þ lqd) components of the related RBC/UKQCD windows. In this paper, using a strategy employed previously for the intermediate window, we provide data-driven results for the lqc and s þ lqd components of the short- and long-distance RBC/UKQCD windows. Comparing these results with those from the lattice, we find significant discrepancies in the lqc parts but good agreement for the s þ lqd components. We also explore the impact of recent CMD-3 eþe- ? pþp- cross section results, demonstrating that an upward shift in the ?-peak region of the type seen in the CMD-3 data serves to eliminate the discrepancies for the lqc components without compromising the good agreement between lattice and data-driven s þ lqd results
Physical Review D
v. 111, n. 4, p. 034018-1-034018-18 - Ano: 2025
Fator de Impacto: 4,6
    @article={003236249,author = {BENTON, Genessa; BOITO, Diogo Rodrigues; GOLTERMAN, Maarten; KESHAVARZI, Alexander; MALTMAN, Kim; PERIS, Santiago.},title={Data-driven results for light-quark connected and strange-plus-disconnected hadronic g-2 short- and long-distance windows},journal={Physical Review D},note={v. 111, n. 4, p. 034018-1-034018-18},year={2025}}