Group of Quantum Information (GIQ)

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Diogo de Oliveira Soares Pinto

FCI3 Secretariat:
Thais de Souza Pinto –
Phone:  +55 16 3373-9876

Patricia Giannini Ferreira –
Phone:  +55 16 3373-9881

FCI3 Finances:
André Nito Assada –
Phone: +55 16 3373-8809

Quantum information is a research field in the intersection of two areas of scientific knowledge: quantum mechanics and information theory. The area of research in quantum information is multidisciplinary with reflections that range from quantum algorithms and quantum computing to forms of relationship with other branches of Physics, such as condensed matter physics, quantum optics and thermodynamics. All this goes from questions on the foundations of Physics to experimental tests implemented in different setups. The quantum information group develops research on topics related to the boundary between the classical and quantum realms. The research is mostly on quantum correlations, quantum coherence, open quantum systems, information geometry, etc, and is developed in collaboration with theoretical and experimental groups, both in Brazil and abroad.


  Faculty Staff   Phone
Diogo de Oliveira Soares Pinto+55 16 33736654