Personal Page – Professor

FotoPhilippe Wilhelm Courteille

Phone: +55 16 3373-6679

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Group of Optics

Research Areas:

Interaction of light with matter.
Quantum sensing.
Collective effects, self-organization.
Condensation of Bose-Einstein.


Obtained the livre docência from the Universidade de São Paulo (2011) and from the Universität Tübingen (2009), the habilitation to direct research from the Université de Provence à Marseille (2001), the PhD in Physics from the Universität Hamburg (1995) and the Master from the Universität Hamburg (1989). Is currently Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Material Sciences of the Instituto de Física de São Carlos of the Universidade de São Paulo. Has experience in the area of cold atomic quantum gases, collective effects in the scattering of light and photonic bands in optical lattices.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 23/01/2025