Personal Page – Professor

FotoJosé Fernando Fontanari

Phone: +55 16 3373-9849

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Group of Theoretical Physics FCI

Research Areas:

Mathematical modeling of social behavior 
Computational intelligence
Collective intelligence


I have a Physics degree from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1985) and the PhD in Physics from the Universidade de São Paulo (1988). My main research interests are the applications of concepts of Statistical Physics and Stochastic Processes to problems in population dynamics, collective intelligence and social systems. I'm currently editor-in-chief of Physics of Life Reviews (Elsevier, IF: 13.7) and member of the editorial board of the journals , Theory in Biosciences (Springer, IF: 1.3), Mathematics (MDPI, IF: 2.4) e Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology (Frontiers, IF: 2.4).
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Updated: 07/02/2025