Personal Page – Professor

FotoEsmerindo de Sousa Bernardes

Phone: +55 16 3373-9831

Lattes Lattes   Google Academico Google Scholar   ORCID

Group of Mathematical Methods

Research Areas:

Mathematical Methods applied to Spintronics and Standard Cosmology.


Theoretical physicist, working with Mathematical Methods of Physics (Spintronics, Cosmology and Physics in 4 + 2 dimensions). Graduated and Postgraduate by the São Carlos Institute of Physics (Doctorate in 1997). Teacher and Researcher of the São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, since 1998. Strong interest in the teaching of Physics in universities, including distance education, as well as in the development of didactic sequences about Cosmology in high school, based on the works of Brousseau and Chevallard.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 01/08/2023
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São Carlos Institute of Physics - IFSC
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