Personal Page – Professor

FotoEduardo Ernesto Castellano

Phone: +55 16 3373-9888

 REP-USPLattes Lattes   ORCID

Group of Crystallography

Research Areas:

Crystallization and determination of the protein structure.
Organo-metallic compounds.
Metallic coordination complexes with small binders of biological interest (Cu, Mn, VO, etc ... amino acids, dipeptides, etc ...).
Determination of molecular structure of monocrystals by X-ray diffraction.
Crystallography of proteins.
Molecular modeling.
Rational planning of pharmaceutical drugs.
Experimental studies of the charge density of compounds of pharmacological interests.


bachelor's at Física from Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1965) and doctorate at Física from Universidad Nacional de La Plata (1968). Has experience in Physics, focusing on Physics Of The Condensed State Of Substance, acting on the following subjects: crystal structure, x-ray structure and ruthenium complexes.
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Updated: 23/02/2024