Personal Page – Professor

FotoJosé Pedro Andreeta

Phone: +55 16 3373-6758

 REP-USPLattes Lattes

Group of Nanomaterials and Advanced Ceramics

Research Areas:

Growth of crystals and monocrystalline fibers.
Ceramics, dielectric and ferroelectric.


Lecturer at the São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo-USP (1995), with post-doctorate at the Material Research Institute - Montreal - Canada (1991), doctorate from the University of São Paulo - Thesis developed at International Business Machines Corporations in Zurich - Switzerland (1985), master's degree in Applied Physics from the São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo-USP (1979) with an internship at the University of California-Sta. Barbara, USA and Graduation in Physics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1975). He is currently Senior Professor at the São Carlos Institute of Physics at the University of São Paulo, having been an Associate Professor at this institution until 2012, conducting research in the development of new monocrystalline and ceramic materials. He has experience in the field of Applied Physics, acting mainly on the themes: Laser-Heated Pedestal Growth, growth of monocrystalline fiber ridges, dielectric and ferroelectric ceramics, preparation of oxide monocrystalline fibers and preparation and characterization of single crystals.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 04/04/2024