Personal Page – Professor

FotoCristina Kurachi

Phone: +55 16 3373-6678

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Group of Optics

Research Areas:

Photodynamic therapy in microbiological control.
Laser ablation of biological tissues and biomaterials.
Phototherapy of low intensity.
Optical diagnosis for human health.
Interaction of light with biological tissues.
Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of tumors.


graduate at Odontologia from Universidade de São Paulo (1996), master's at Material and Metallurgical Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (2000) and ph.d. at Material and Metallurgical Engineering from Universidade de São Paulo (2005). Has experience in Odontology, acting on the following subjects: photodynamic therapy, terapia fotodinâmica, diagnosis, fluorescence and laser.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 16/12/2024