Group of Magnetic Resonance, Spectroscopy and Magnetism (RMN)

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Hellmut Eckert

FCI3 Secretariat:
Thais de Souza Pinto –
Phone:  +55 16 3373-9876

Patricia Giannini Ferreira –
Phone:  +55 16 3373-9881

FCI3 Finances:
André Nito Assada –
Phone: +55 16 3373-8809

The Magnetic Resonance, Spectroscopy and Magnetism Group, created in 1970, pioneered the country in Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (RPE), Magneto-Optic and later Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. It was part of the original faculty the remembered Prof. Dr. Rene Ayres Carvalho (1935 – 2010). In the course of its history, the Group, led by Prof. Horacio Panepucci (1937-2004), maintained this pioneering characteristic of developing new experimental techniques. Research in the field of NMR imaging began in 1983, with the development of an NMR tomography prototype for small animals.

The Group currently has 10 active lecturers who develop about 12 research lines, involving pulsed NMR, RPE (conventional and pulsed), optical and luminescence spectroscopy, quantum information via NMR, electronic instrumentation and imaging techniques And in vivo spectroscopy. Within the premises of the IFSC, the Group has equipped laboratories for the development of research. It should be noted that the Group contributes about 25% of the scientific production of the Department of Physics and Interdisciplinary Science (FCI). Since the creation of the Group until March 2017, its teachers have trained 166 students at the master’s and doctoral level.

For the development of research projects, the professors maintain national and international scientific collaborations and have the financial resources of the development agencies, such as a thematic project FAPESP (“Cinapce”), the SIBRATEC network of Institutes of Science and Technology for Medical Instrumentation, A CEPID project from FAPESP (CeRTEV – Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials), participation in the National Institute of Quantum Information, two USP / IFSC and Petrobrás agreements, and participation in the National Institute of Organic Electronics.

  Faculty Staff   Phone
Alberto Tannús+55 16 33739836
Claudio José Magon+55 16 33739860
Eduardo Ribeiro de Azevêdo+55 16 33738086
Fernando Fernandes Paiva+55 16 33736657
Hellmut Eckert+55 16 33738775
José Fabián Schneider+55 16 33739600
José Pedro Donoso Gonzalez+55 16 33739864
Marcos de Oliveira Júnior+55 16 33739694
Tito José Bonagamba+55 16 33739871
  Research and Administrative Staff   Ramal
Aparecido Donizeti Fernandes de Amorim+55 16 33739867
Edson Luiz Gea Vidoto+55 16 33739893
João Gomes da Silva Filho+55 16 33739866
José Carlos Gazziro+55 16 33738078
Mateus José Martins+55 16 33739893
Odir Adolfo Canevarollo+55 16 33739866
Roberto Fukuhara+55 16 33739870 (738658)