Group of Optics (GO)

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Euclydes Marega Júnior

Secretariat office:
Phone: +55 16 3373-9823
204 – Cristiane Cagnin –
202 – Wagner Balsani –
201 – Maria Benedita Silva –


The Group of Optics “Milton Ferreira de Souza” develops several research activities involving the use of optics and lasers in the most diverse fields of human knowledge. In Atomic and Molecular Physics, laser light beams and magnetic fields are used for trapping and cooling atoms. Unpublished studies on atomic collisions, ultra-high resolution spectroscopy, Rydberg atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation have been performed. In the area of ​​time and frequency metrology the first Brazilian atomic clock, operating with Cesium beam and laser diode for preparation and analysis of the atoms, was constructed. At the moment an ultra-precise fountain-type clock is being developed; Using radiofrequency technology, lasers stabilization and production of cold atoms.

The Group of Optics “Milton Ferreira de Souza” also develops applied researches, for the benefit of Brazilian problems. In the field of health, photonics has been used in several applications, such as: biomodulation of cellular responses, processing of biological materials and tissues and treatment of tumors. In the latter, the interaction of light with the photosensitizer agent, in the presence of oxygen, results in photodynamic therapy, an applied technique for the local treatment of cancer. Optical techniques for diagnosis allow the study of several biological processes, such as the detection of tumors in humans, as well as the tissue response due to several treatments. In the area of ​​Ophthalmology two main projects are developed: intraoperative corneal surveyor and biometry with low coherence light. In addition, the group develops instruments and techniques that use modern concepts of quantum and classical optics for the construction of modern optical equipment.

  Faculty Staff   Phone
Cristina Kurachi+55 16 33736678
Daniel Varela Magalhães+55 16 33736747
Emanuel Alves de Lima Henn+55 16 33738757
Euclydes Marega Júnior+55 16 33739886
Francisco Eduardo Gontijo Guimarães+55 16 33739792
Jarbas Caiado de Castro Neto+55 16 33736663
Kate Cristina Blanco+55 16 33736748
Patrícia Christina Marques Castilho+55 16 33736662
Philippe Wilhelm Courteille+55 16 33736679
Sebastião Pratavieira+55 16 33648046
Sérgio Ricardo Muniz+55 16 33739848
Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato+55 16 33739829
  Research and Administrative Staff   Ramal
Cristiane Aparecida Cagnin+55 16 33738812
Evaldo José Pereira de Carvalho+55 16 33649485
Gustavo Deczka Telles+55 16 33649482
João Marcelo Pereira Nogueira+55 16 33649486
Kilvia Mayre Farias +55 16 33649482
Lilian Tan Moriyama+55 16 33649483
Maria Benedita de Souza Gomes da Silva+55 16 33739810
Monica Andrioli Caracanhas Santarelli+55 16 33649482
Natalia Mayumi Inada+55 16 33649483