Personal Page – Professor

FotoKrissia de Zawadzki

Phone: +55 16 3373-9869

Lattes Lattes   ORCID

Group of Theoretical Physics FCI

Research Areas:

Theoretical Physics


I have BSc in Computational Physics (2011), a MSc in Sciences (2014) and a PhD in Physics (2018) at the Sao Carlos Institute of Physics of the University of Sao Paulo (IFSC-USP). As an undergraduate student, I carried out on research in the fields of image processing, patter recognition and machine learning (2009-2012). In 2012, I started a MSc in the field of condensed matter physics, studying the Kondo problem and the Numerical Renormalization-Group. Since then, have been studying strongly correlated systems and related phenomena. During my PhD, I visited the University of York (UK) twice (2016 and 2017) through mobility sandwich programs sponsored by Santander and CAPES. In my PhD thesis I introduced a new hybrid approach combining Density Functional Theory and the Numerical Renormalization-Group techniques to study transport in realistic quantum dots. In 2018, I was awarded a "Faculty for the Future fellowship for women in STEM", a program sponsored by the Schlumberger Foundation, which financed my first postdoc at the Northeastern University. Later, I worked as a postdoc at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP-SAIFR), Royal Holloway University of London and Trinity College Dublin. My research interests are focused on strongly correlated systems out-of-equilibrium, quantum thermodynamcs, and quantum control. I am currently an assistant professor at the São Carlos Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 28/05/2024
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