Personal Page – Professor

FotoSebastião Pratavieira

Phone: +55 16 3364-8046

Lattes Lattes   Google Academico Google Scholar   ORCID

Group of Optics

Research Areas:




Optical Imaging for Diagnostics

Point-of-care optical systems

Fluorescence microscopy

Photodynamic Therapy




Sebastião Pratavieira holds a BSc in Physics, emphasis Optics and Photonics (2007), Master degree (2010) and PhD (2014) in Applied Physics from the Physics Institute of São Carlos - University of São Paulo. He is currently a researcher at Biophotonics Laboratory at Institute of Physics of São Carlos. He has experience in the area of Optics and Photonics, with emphasis on Biophotonics. It operates on the following topics: study of the interaction light-tissue biological development of optical systems (wide field and microscopy) to study biological systems, confocal fluorescence microscopy, nonlinear optical microscopy, physicochemical fundamentals and applications of photodynamic therapy and sonophotodynamic.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 20/06/2024
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