Personal Page – Professor

FotoDiogo Rodrigues Boito

Phone: +55 16 3373-8064

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Group of Theoretical Physics FCI

Research Areas:

Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields.
Properties of Specific Particles and Resonances.


graduation at Física from Universidade de São Paulo (2004), master's at Physics from Universidade de São Paulo (2007), master's at Mestrado em Física Avançada e Profissional from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB (2008) and doctorate at Física from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB (2011). Has experience in Physics, focusing on Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields, acting on the following subjects: hadrons, qcd, strong interactions, acoplamento forte and perturbative qcd.
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Updated: 12/01/2025