Personal Page – Professor

FotoRafael Victório Carvalho Guido

Phone: +55 16 3373-8673

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Group of Crystallography

Research Areas:

Expression and Purification of Proteins.
Crystallography of Proteins.
Planning based on structures.
Molecular modeling.
Virtual and experimental screening.
Infectious Diseases (Malaria, Chagas Disease, Schistosomiasis, Tuberculosis).
Agrochemistry (New Agricultural Defenses for the Culture of Sugarcane and Cacao).


Associate professor at the Physics Institute of São Carlos (IFSC) of the University of São Paulo (USP). He received his PhD in biomolecular physics from the University of São Paulo and the University of Marburg in 2008, and completed two years of postdoctoral work in medicinal chemistry and structural biology at the University of São Paulo. He is a specialist in structure-based drug design and in the integration of computational and experimental methods. His research is focused on the structural elucidation of relevant molecular targets and the application of this knowledge toward the discovery and development of new drugs and agrochemicals for human and plant diseases. He was the coordinator of a Young Research Grant from Serrapilheira Institute, whose scientific approach consists of the use of a variety of advanced methods for agrochemical and drug design. He has published over 100 scientific papers and 8 book chapters. He is associated investigator of the Center for Research and Innovation in Biodiversity and Drugs (CIBFar-CEPID-FAPESP). He was the Chair (2016-2018) and Vice-Chair (2014-2016) of the Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Brazilian Chemical Society. He is an TWAS Young Alumni of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), member of the Young Scientist Community of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Young Scientist of the World Laurate Association (2019-2024).
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 14/06/2024
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