Personal Page – Professor

FotoValmor Roberto Mastelaro

Phone: +55 16 3373-9755

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Group of Nanomaterials and Advanced Ceramics

Research Areas:

Synthesis and characterization of glass and glass-ceramics.
Study of short-range structure and electronic structure in inorganic solids using XAS and XPS techniques.
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured ceramic materials.
Synthesis and characterization of thin films nanostructured.
Toxic gas sensor materials.


graduate at Bacharelaro em Física from Universidade Federal de São Carlos (1985), master's at Physic from Universidade de São Paulo (1988) and ph.d. at Doutor em Ciências from Universite de Paris XI (Paris-Sud) (1992). Has experience in Physic, focusing on Liquids and Solids Structure; crystallography, acting on the following subjects: vidros, exafs, caracterização estrutural, caracterização and ceramicas ferroeletricas.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 07/06/2024
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São Carlos Institute of Physics - IFSC
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