Personal Page – Professor

FotoFrancisco Castilho Alcaraz

Phone: +55 16 3373-8079

Lattes Lattes   Google Academico Google Scholar   ORCID

Group of Theoretical Physics FCM

Research Areas:

Critical Phenomena and Phase Transitions.
Physics of stochastic interagent models.
Exactly integrable models.
Statistical Mechanics of Interagent Models.
Critical phenomena and quantum information.


graduate at Bacharelado Em Física from Universidade de São Paulo (1975), master's at Física Teórica from Universidade de São Paulo (1977) and ph.d. at Física Teórica from Universidade de São Paulo (1980). Has experience in Physic, acting on the following subjects: modelos de mecânica estatística, invariância conforme, finite-size scaling, modelos exatamente integráveis and elétrons fortemente correlacionados.
Resume automatically extracted from Lattes Platform
Updated: 09/01/2024
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