Personal Page – Professor

FotoIgor Polikarpov

Phone: +55 16 3364-8076

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Group of Molecular Biotechnology

Research Areas:

Molecular biology.
X-ray scattering at low angle.
Crystallography of proteins.
Molecular modeling.
Rational planning of pharmaceutical drugs.
Structural Biophysics of Nuclear Receptors.
HIV proteases of non-B subtypes: structural studies and inhibitor development.


Igor Polikarpov is a Professor of the Institute of Physics of Sao Carlos (IFSC), University of São Paulo (USP) and a coordinator of the Center for Renewable Energies and Molecular Biotechnology (poloTErRA/USP-São Carlos). His main scientific interests are centered at Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics and their applications in Bioenergy and Biotechnology. Igor Polikarpov graduated in Physics from the Belorussian State University (1983), did his PhD at the same University (1989), and post-docs at the Latvian Academy of Science (1989-1991), Max-Planck Gesselschaft (1991-1993) and the University of Edinburgh (1993-1995). Published over 320 scientific papers, which were cited more than 13,500 times (Google Scholar, 21/05/2022), h-index = 61. Igor Polikarpov coordinated joint scientific projects with European Union (FP7), UK (FAPESP-RCUK), Argentina and Uruguay (CBAB), India (CNPq-DBT) and Belgium (FNRS-FAPESP) and is coordinating FAPESP Thematic project. He also developed scientific collaborations with biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies and was responsible for construction and operation of large-scale scientific installations (protein crystallography beamlines MX-1 & MX-2 at the Brazilian National Synchrotron Laboratory/LNLS, Campinas, Brazil). He was an Honorary Professor of the University of Bath (2016-2019) and an Honorary Visiting Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of York (2015-2020). Igor Polikarpov is one of the proponents of the Integrated PhD Program in Bioenergy (joint graduate course of three São Paulo State Universities: USP, UNESP and UNICAMP). Igor Polikarpov is a Commander of the Brazilian National Order of Scientific Merit and a Member of São Paulo State Academy of Sciences. Listed as one of the best scientists by in the area of Biology/Biochemistry ansd Chemistry, ( Classified within top 1% researchers in Brazil and Latin America and within top 5% in the world ranking by AD Scientific Index (
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Updated: 25/06/2024
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